Sentences with phrase «accident than drunk»

In fact, texting while driving is six times more likely to lead to an accident than drunk driving.
Drivers who are texting or talking on the phone are twice as likely to get into an accident than drunk drivers.
For teen drivers, texting while driving creates more fatal accidents than drinking while driving, believe it or not.
With this system, Mercedes - Benz is making a further contribution towards preventing accidents as, according to studies, around a quarter of all serious road accidents are caused by drowsy drivers — making drowsiness an even bigger cause of accidents than drink - driving.

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If I believed in a purposeless universe, that life nothing but an accident, me and my loved ones are no more valuable than tape worms, then I would be drinking constantly.
Accidents and tragedy will be a part of modern society regardless... we see it far more often on the highway than we do in the home from accidental shooting and I am not talking about the criminal activity of drinking and driving.
I still have to fill his cup only half full to keep from cleaning up a bigger mess if he has an accident, but I'd much rather have an occasional, and perfectly normal, spill, than a child who is still drinking from sippy cups when he's five.
The ABSOLUTE risk that she gets in an accident (including single car accidents where no one else is involved) if she drives drunk is about 20 times less than her baby dying in childbirth.
The baby is 10 times more likely to die than the drunk driver is to even get a ticket or have an accident.
That means that for every 1000 people who drink and drive, more than 999 will make it to their destination safe and sound, without and accident, and 998.4 will make it without so much as a DUI.
Keep in mind that children sometimes regress or act younger than their age after the arrival of a new baby, such as having toilet training accidents or drinking from a bottle.
Cuomo says today, there are five times the number of accidents caused by distracted driving than drunk driving.
Teens are five times likelier to be in a car accident when in a group than when driving alone, and likelier to commit a crime or drink alcohol when with a group of peers.
«Substance - related problems such as binge drinking, driving under the influence of alcohol, and risky sexual behavior are more important than others due to their association with reckless driving, automobile accidents, physical injuries and even death, as well as risk for sexually transmitted disease and unplanned pregnancy.»
Moms and dads, moreover, are focusing in their discussions with their children, on the immediate consequences of drinking alcohol (for instance, the danger of getting into a car accident while drunk), rather than the long - term effects generated by what alcohol does to a young child's developing brain.
Lookout for changes: If your dog has bad breath and starts drinking more than usual or having accidents in the house, take note of it.
Therefore, the Symptoms of feline diabetes include drinking more water than usual, the need to urinate more than usual (your litter - trained cat may suddenly begin having «accidents» in the house), and weight loss.
The precise details of Hurricane Sandy can not be predicted in advance, any more than when, or whether, a smoker develops lung cancer, or sex without contraception yields an unwanted pregnancy, or a drunk driver has an accident.
This percentage was higher than fatal car crashes or truck accidents involving drunk driving.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that 22 percent of teenage drivers involved in fatal automobile accidents had been drinking, and that the occurrence of teen drinking and driving is higher for males than females.
News reports have indicated that poor road design or conditions played a role in more than half of all fatal automobile accidents in the United States, resulting in more deaths than any other single factor, including speeding, drunk driving, and not using seat belts.
After a while, the government started to notice that drunk drivers were causing more accidents than sober drivers.
According to the Centers for Disease Control (the CDC), in the U.S., more than 10,000 people die each year in drunk driving crashes (that's about thirty people per day), accounting for roughly 1 / 3rd of the total deaths that result from traffic accidents each year in the United States.
On that same notes, more than half a million people are injured every year as a result of drunk driving accidents.
Unfortunately, this does happen, and though bus transportation companies have strict rules prohibiting their drivers from driving while drunk, alcohol - related bus accidents occur with higher - than - expected frequency.
Young male drivers are statistically more likely to be involved in car and auto accidents than other age and demographic groups due to speeding, drunk...
Roadside tests for drunk driving A police officer who is investigating an accident is more likely to make a probable cause determination on drunk driving than on drugged driving.
Car accident lawyers know that the injuries caused by drowsy driving are no less severe than those caused by drunk or distracted driving, yet no wide - spread publicity campaign against drowsy driving exists.
However, Florida's Dram Shop Law (statute 768.125)-- created to protect third - parties such as restaurants, liquor stores, bars, clubs, and party hosts from being sued for giving a drunk driver alcohol — specifies two instances when a certain party other than the driver can be held partly liable for an alcohol - induced auto accident:
Accidents involving drunk drivers typically result in greater damage than is caused in a normal motor vehicle accident, and they often involve fatalities.
Over 1,000 people were killed in drunk driving accidents in Texas in 2011, which is a smaller number than those who suffered serious injury.
Studies continue to show that a drunk driver is less able to make appropriate decisions and takes longer to respond to threats in the road than a sober driver, greatly increasing the risk of an accident.
These accidents can so easily be prevented by a driver simply being more responsible and hiring a taxi or relying on a designated driver rather than taking to the road after «a few drinks
For more than three decades, our award - winning Denver DUID accident attorney, Dan Caplis, has been pursuing and securing financial relief for victims of drunk and impaired driving.
Victims of drunk driving receives more compensation than people injured in other car accidents
These drivers also might not want to get caught, or believe that the penalty for fleeing an accident scene is far less than getting caught drinking and driving.
In addition to drunk driving accidents, over half a million of the accidents each year that may necessitate a call to a car accident attorney are caused by drivers speeding faster than posted limits.
The injuries caused by drunk driving accidents tend to result in more serious wounds to the victims than to the intoxicated driver.
You are also able to find out information on Reported drunk Drivers or Reported Traffic Accidents and if there were any in your area (better be safe than sorry!).
I - 15, which runs on the northeastern part of the city, had a particularly difficult time when it came to drunk drivers as more than half of fatal accidents on that road involved a driver that was drunk.
Men accounted for 71 % of all car accident - related deaths in 2012, and they're more likely to drive drunk and without a seatbelt than women.
Around 25 % of fatal car accidents in Nashville had a drunk driver involved between 2011 and 2015, which was higher than the 17 % in Memphis.
In total, 32 % of all fatal accidents in El Paso between 2011 and 2015 involved a drunk driver, which was about the same as Dallas, and a bit lower than Houston where 38.6 % of fatal accidents had a drunk driver.
The percentage of accidents in Oakland that included a drunk driver was much higher than it was in other major California cities.
In fact, San Francisco had a fewer percentage of accidents involving a drunk driver, 19.1 %, than other major California cities where at least 25 % of fatal accidents involved a drunk driver.
Overall, 31.6 % of all fatal accidents in Dallas between 2011 and 2015 involved a drunk driver, which is greater than most cities where drunk driving accidents usually account for around a quarter of all fatal accidents.
Preventable accidents are caused by drinking and driving, as well as playing the radio too loud, paying more attention to passengers rather than being a safe driver, and by not anticipating the actions of other drivers.
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