Sentences with phrase «accidentally smother»

The man's lawyer argued that, since it is known that dogs sometimes accidentally smother their own puppies by rolling on top of them, this could be the cause of the woman's death.
It's believed that parents can accidentally smother the child while sleeping, so putting the baby in her own bed can reduce the SIDS risk.
I would see myself dropping the baby, or accidentally smothering him while I was feeding him in bed.
We all have to answer for what we do on this earth so you may want to consider the mother's who have accidentally smothered their child in a bed, like my friend who did not fit into any of your risk factor groups... because her daughter is dead and will always be dead and she will never be whole or truly happy again.
I worked for a woman who slept with her daughter for six weeks and then accidentally smothered her in her sleep, there were not too many blankets or pillows or a bed she became trapped in an open space by.
A mother may have accidentally smothered her child when she fell asleep while nursing on board a transatlantic flight last Tuesday, according to reports in the British media.
Many guys complain that they can't effectively sleep or adjust to co-sleeping because they are so worried about rolling over or accidentally smothering their infant.
The court allowed Sangen to testify that, while newborn babies might be accidentally smothered by a Labrador Retriever if they snuggled up to them, adults could not be smothered by Labs.

Not exact matches

Co-sleeping with your young baby runs the risk of rolling over the child and smothering them accidentally.
Perhaps a parent's biggest fear is overlaying — i.e., a baby getting smothered because somebody accidentally rolls onto him during sleep.
The crib should always be free of anything that a baby might accidentally pull over their face because they can smother to death.
She may even lay on them and smother them accidentally.
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