Sentences with phrase «accidents increased at»

The report also said accidents increased at 46 of 100 red - light camera intersections and rear end collisions rose by 30 percent.
Trotta cited a recent county report that showed that injury accidents increased at 44 of the 100 intersections with cameras, compared with the three - year period before the program started in 2010.

Not exact matches

«If a business eliminates pollution controls in the workplace, you [may] have an increase in industrial accidents,» says Robert Scott, the director of trade and manufacturing policy research at the left - leaning Economic Policy Institute.
In addition to the operational and cost benefits, improved parts management could speed up safety checks after an accident, industry experts said, and an increasing number of aerospace suppliers are looking at blockchain as a potential solution.
A vast increase in oil transport by rail surely has at least something to do with the accident — if the train hadn't been carrying oil, its destruction might have been less catastrophic — but there will inevitably be debate over the conclusion to draw from that observation.
Babies are at increased risk of a fatal sleeping accident if they co-sleep with someone who is has consumed alcohol or illegal or sleep - inducing drugs or who is experiencing extreme fatigue.27, 28 A parent should not co-sleep with their baby if they have consumed alcohol or illegal or sleep - inducing drugs, or when extremely fatigued.
«Although the number of fatalities and accidents at highway - railroad grade crossings have fallen steadily on a national level, over the past several years collisions have increased across New York State,» said Carlucci, a Rockland lawmaker and member of the independent Democratic Conference.
There are currently more than 6.6 million households across the UK who can not afford to heat their homes, putting them at risk of serious health problems such as heart disease, strokes, respiratory illnesses - such as asthma and bronchitis - and exacerbating common ailments like colds and flu as well as increasing the likelihood of falls and other accidents.
Two experts seem to disagree in this article, but it's at least very plausible that the number of (lethal) accidents increased.
Safety inspections at New York airports have dropped 73 percent in the past decade, and federal regulators should increase such spot checks after a spate of small airplane accidents on Long Island, U.S. Sen. Chuck Schumer said.
The request comes as Japanese authorities increased the alert level at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear crisis to level five, signifying an «accident with wider consequences».
But looking at the first quarter of 2016 there was a 14 % increase in the number of people killed and seriously injured in road accidents (5890) compared with the same period the previous year.
I felt that it might have the unintended consequence of increasing DWI accidents, as the most intoxicated drivers would be on the road at an earlier hour when there were more other cars for them to hit.
The Suffolk County Legislature approved a $ 250,000 study on the increase of injury accidents at intersections with red light cameras.
According to the report, while rear - end collisions at camera locations increased 42 - percent, accidents with injuries decreased four - percent countywide.
The review, which would examine the causes of increased accidents at certain locations and suggest improvements, would be due within six months.
A look at a database of fatal traffic accidents found a 12 percent increase on the informal marijuana holiday 4/20 after 4:20 P.M. compared with nearby dates.
Professor Mary Morrell, co-principal investigator of the study from the National Heart and Lung Institute at Imperial College London, said: «Sleep apnoea can be hugely damaging to patients» quality of life and increase their risk of road accidents, heart disease and other conditions.
At Chernobyl, populations of wild boar, elk, roe deer, and wolves increased significantly in the decade after the accident.
«This new data indicate that latency is far from an accident — it is encoded in the virus's circuitry and is an evolutionarily advantageous strategy, likely increasing the odds of infection by a substantial amount,» Leor Weinberger, a coauthor and researcher at the Gladstone Institutes, a nonprofit focused on biomedical research, said in a statement.
At the same time, it's classified as a schedule 1 drug (with the likes of heroin and Ecstasy) at the federal level, a variety of types and strains make quality control difficult, and some states have reported marijuana - related motor vehicle accidents have increased since legalizatioAt the same time, it's classified as a schedule 1 drug (with the likes of heroin and Ecstasy) at the federal level, a variety of types and strains make quality control difficult, and some states have reported marijuana - related motor vehicle accidents have increased since legalizatioat the federal level, a variety of types and strains make quality control difficult, and some states have reported marijuana - related motor vehicle accidents have increased since legalization.
The accident victim wants a deeper pocket; the driver wants to avoid «at fault» points that could increase insurance rates.»
Both standard on the 2018 A4, Audi pre sense ® basic intervenes by helping secure the vehicle during unusual or emergency maneuvers, while Audi pre sense ® city helps detect vehicles and pedestrians at speeds of up to 52 mph, increasing drivers» awareness of surroundings and helping prevent accidents.
«If you are not at fault, reporting an accident won't increase your premiums,» Foley says.
Similar to speeding tickets, most at - fault accidents will raise your rate, but the increase won't be permanent.
Another key change is that if you're at fault for an accident, and pay for damages under $ 2,000 out of pocket as the at - fault driver, then the insurer can no longer use that accident to increase your premiums.
However, if you are involved in an accident and you are found to be the one at fault, this can increase your car insurance rate any time you want to renew your policy.
Accident forgiveness programs cancel the increase in a driver's rates after an at - fault accident, which can save you hundreds of dollars over the term of your policy.
Accident Forgiveness: With Accident Forgiveness, your auto insurance rates will not increase after your first at - fault accident.
You probably know that getting a moving violation or having an at - fault accident can increase your premium.
Accident Forgiveness: Adding this coverage will waive the usual penalties — including loss of safe driver discounts and rate increases — for one at - fault accident.
This means if you have a few accidents and tickets out there and they weren't detected at the start, your premium will increase when it's time to renew.
While most insurers are vague about the conditions surrounding premium increases due to at - fault accidents, Wawanesa clearly outlines the circumstances under which your auto insurance policy will be affected so that there are no surprises and ambiguity.
«We are continuously evaluating our rate level to ensure that we are able to keep up with the increasing cost of accidents and balancing that with providing a very competitive product,» said Patrick McDonald, executive vice president of business and clients at Mapfre, the largest auto insurer in Massachusetts.
Overall, Progressive increased rates only 29 % after an at - fault accident compared to the average 57 %.
Symptoms of a urinary tract infection include increased water consumption and frequency of urination, voiding small amounts and straining, accidents in the house, leaking urine during sleep, strong smelling or atypically colored urine, and incessant licking at the prepuce or vulva.
Things to look for in your four legged family members are straining to urinate, burning sensation or pain during urination, blood in the urine, excessive licking at their genitalia, increased urgency to urinate and urinary accidents in the house.
Avoid keeping food and water in the crate with your puppy because it will only increase his chances of having an accident — because you will only be confining your puppy for a few hours at a time he will be perfectly fine without food or water for that long.
If at any time your dog has an accident, go back a step for another week and increase the intervals again based on success.
As your dog earns your trust by not having accidents in his confinement area, gradually increase the amount of space you give him by adding on a little more space or a room at a time.
Careful statistical analysis of the frequency of losses at sea show no increases of such accidents in that area over any others in the Atlantic.
But the 2011 accident at the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan also increased popular fears.
Once the radiation limits begin to be increased this should have a catalytic effect on reducing emissions: 1) it will mean radiation leaks are understood to be less dangerous that currently thought > less people evacuated from effected zones > reduced cost accident of accidents — reduced accident insurance cost; 2) population takes another look at the effects of radiation > gains an understanding it is much less harmful than they thought > fear subsides > less opposition > easier and less expensive to find sites supported by the people nearby > planning and sight approval costs come down over time
The Committee heard conservative estimates that at least 65 more people would die each year in Australia as a result of the increase in urban air pollution and traffic accidents if the GST package goes ahead as proposed.
These two factors alone place drivers and passengers at an increased risk of being involved in an ATV rollover accident.
Truck drivers are also under pressure to arrive at their destination within a certain amount of time, further increasing the likelihood of accidents on the roadway due to a lack of rest or high rate of speed in attempt to beat the clock.
Pedestrians who are involved in traffic accidents are at an increased risk of suffering a grave bodily injury and / or death.
Because so many of Southern California's interstates and roadways are truck routes, thousands of people in and around Bakersfield are at an increased risk for these types of auto accidents every day.
When one driver fails to yield to the right of way, their responsibility for causing the accident is increased so that they may be deemed more at fault than the other individual and must pay for their resulting damages.
Unfortunately, a person with weaker bones is at an increased risk of suffering a broken bone or fracture following a fall accident.
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