Sentences with phrase «accidents take place each year»

Countless accidents take place every year and leave victims with serious injuries, many of which can be fatal.
With millions of car accidents taking place every year, these incidents can occur in any number of ways.
Thousands of accidents take place each year due to texting and driving.

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of 2011 already one whole year for me here and noticed that heat arises every time this days come closer or a certain accidents take place... Last year was a Florida Paster of Dove Church threatening to burn the Quran...!
Still, Buchanan said, she was shocked to learn of the gruesome accident that took place at the park last year.
Now, following the most recent news of a Japanese tourist who fell to his death after trying to pose for a picture at the Taj Mahal's Royal Gate in India, media website Mashable investigated just how many accidents like this have taken place over the last year, and compared that to the number of shark - related deaths.
She has the powers of a superhero: she can exercise telekinesis by moving objects and people from one place to another by simply willing it, can take a quick look at the unspoiled U.S. when Native Americans ruled the land, and touch the forehead of a famous scientist to discover that his six - year - old daughter had died in an auto accident.
When placing my Jeep gear it will jerk real hard, then when pushing on the gas the Jeep will hesitate and lose all power, I too drive to work in heavy traffic I am scared to death that I will be in a fatal accident, last year I took this Jeep to the dealership and explained what the Jeep was doing he explained to me it was bad gas, it now does this a lot, I once again took it into the dealership he explained to me this time that it was the transmission module which of course is not covered in Chrysler wonderful life - time powertrain warranty how Nice this is going to cost me a pretty Penny, so I have been reading on all these complaints about the same problem come on Chrysler recall
It takes place in a small Kentucky town where Alan Ridge was widowed a year ago; the car accident that killed his wife left his daughter unable to use her limbs, though the reasons are psychological.
The AVN Adult Expo takes place at the same time as the Consumer Electronics Show every year (not by accident).
Firstly, a written notice must be provided to the government agency no later than 180 days after the accident took place; in non-government related cases, the statute of limitations is 2 years.
Each year, thousands of car accidents take place due to distracted driving.
You should also keep in mind that some pain and suffering trials don't take place until up to 7 years after an accident, so at this point you'll need to prove that your injury is still affecting you and will go on affecting you in the future.
The state of Texas requires that all claims made for personal injury in an airplane accident be filed within two years of when the accident took place.
Every year in the United States, hundreds of train accidents take place.
The accident in Dubuque, which took place right in front of Hempstead High School (part of the Dubuque Community School District), involved 16 - year - old Codi Regan striking his classmate as the victim was crossing in front of a school bus, which partially pulled on to nearby Pennsylvania Avenue.
The police have noted that this particular area has become well - known for auto accidents, and more than 34 have taken place just this year alone.
Norm is God sent, my car accident took place 3 years ago, and it's been a battle since then.
CDOT notes that 80,000 car accidents take place in Chicago alone every year.
Chicago hosts a large number of the car accidents that take place in Illinois every year in part because of the city's high population and in part because of its crowded streets.
Although not nearly as extraordinary as the events that took place on the world stage, the year 2008 brought about some significant developments in motor vehicle accident law.
The inquest considering the circumstances around the tipper truck accident is due to take place later this year and is awaiting the conclusion of the police investigations.
It is an unfortunate reality that every year, children are hurt while trick - or - treating when an accident takes place.
In India alone, 497686 accidents took place in year 2011 and 142485 people were killed in such accidents.
In case an accident takes place and a permanent disability arises due to the accident (within 180 days from the date of accident), an amount which is equal to the Accident Benefit Sum Assured will be paid in equal monthly instalments over a period of 10 years.
A: Studies show that burglaries occur at an average of every eight seconds, 400,000 serious residential fires take place every year, and more child deaths result from accidents than from all diseases combined.
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