Sentences with phrase «acclimated to life»

Please be aware that puppy mill dogs may not be acclimated to life within a family and will require time, patience and a lot of love to blossom into loving family members.
Linklater follows freshman Jake (Blake Jenner) as he gets acclimated to life on a college baseball team over the course of a weekend, a time frame that — combined with the 1980 setting — makes Everybody a suitable bookend to his seminal Dazed And Confused.
In The Legend of Tarzan, the story finds our titular hero (Alexander Skarsgård) removed from the jungle, acclimated to life back in London.
Stewart said that once parents become acclimated to living with young children, it can be difficult to recognize how disruptive their children can be to those around them.
While acclimating to life on the West Coast, Rachel decided to take a class at Pure Barre and with each class she became profoundly aware of the unbelievable physical and mental benefits that the Pure Barre method has to offer its clients.
If you're willing to devote your time to helping, consider joining a Good Neighbor team that welcomes refugees and helps them acclimate to life in the United States.
When you're disoriented, sleep - deprived, and cranky from acclimating to life with your baby, it doesn't take much to set off a big fight with your partner.
I call this the «newborn grace period,» and in my opinion, it was made so that moms can gradually acclimate to life with a new baby — take a nap, take a shower, do the dishes, whatever it is that you need to do to get life back in order.
When fresh - faced Ohio native Jamie (Fraser) arrives at Bindview eager to acclimate to life in the big city, cynical Ted greets the cub salesman with a palpable sense of scorn.
Adopting varied personas, the detectives check out each suspect, while acclimating themselves to life in Paris.
«The Last Post» follows freshly arrived newlywed Captain Joe Martin (Jeremy Neumark Jones) and his bride, Honor (Jessie Buckley) as they acclimate to life on the base, where other families of the Royal Police try their best to hold onto tradition in a very foreign place.
THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER — Jennifer Lawrence had some advice for recent New York transplant Mary J. Blige on acclimating to life in Los Angeles.
Because their parents are often slower to acclimate to life in the United States, Endo describes the students in her afterschool program as «pioneers seeking their own pathways in a new homeland.»
For the rest of us, we need to forget Renaissance art and reality TV for a second so we can redouble our efforts to help students acclimate to life at school; tap into each of these children and make a connection strong enough that each one will want to play by the rules; and make school a place worth showing up to every morning.
In addition, JCPS has the ESL Newcomer Academy, a middle - high combined school that focuses on helping newly arrived immigrants learn English and acclimate to life in the U.S.
This isn't to say Flash as a tool can't be used to create mobile and tablet applications, but consumers and content creators are acclimating to a life without Flash.
When I was writing this collection, I was grieving the death of my mother - in - law and acclimating to life with my first child.
Your dog will most likely play a big part in helping the foster dog acclimate to life as a house pet.
While the Labs are with Kentucky Lab Rescue, they are acclimated to living indoors if they were not already accustomed to being inside.
After the dogs are vetted our dogs are next paced in a foster home where they get acclimated to living in a home environment and their personalities emerge and are evaluated.
Nicole's specialty in this role was retraining and rehabilitating fighting pit bulls and helping them to acclimate to life as family companions.
Adaptability is an especially great tone if you require a bird - dog who can successfully acclimate to life with a brand - new baby.
We are committed to providing the dogs that come into Texas Sweeties Dog Rescue with the best possible care while they wait for their forever homes by acclimating them to life outside of a shelter and providing the appropriate veterinary care needed.
Your dog will most likely play a big part in helping the Foster Dog acclimate to life as a house pet.
As he is acclimating to life in New York you will be getting used to the controls and interesting meld of genres.
In his ruling for the plaintiffs, Judge Charles H. Haden stated that «If there is any life form that can not acclimate to life deep in a rubble pile, it is eliminated.
Keeping communication about your scheduling clear and easily accessible can help parents and children acclimate to living in separate households.
I was wondering if you could share how you and Kevin are planning to help your son acclimate to life in the US.

Not exact matches

Truthfully, I am thankful to live in such a warm climate; since I am acclimated I spend the «winter» bundled up in sweatshirts (I don't have a warm coat, it's Arizona after all).
Her own mother, sisters, aunts, cousins, friends and other women from maybe the surrounding village would be there to give her time to rest, heal and breastfeed, as well as acclimate to the new life in the family.
My family moved to the Pacific Northwest about 6 months ago in order to be closer to our extended family and have been getting acclimated to our new lives here.
If his interest in serving the public is as real as he says it is, he'll stick around, further acclimate himself to the issues at hand and work from the ground up to make the East End a better place to live.
As we have acclimated to warmer temperatures, the way we live has also generally become less physically demanding, which overall serves to drive down body weights.
Once the worms arrived in their new home in Cambridge, the first test was to acclimate them to lab life and determine their needs for survival.
The purpose of the cruise was to determine how marine organisms are acclimated to long - term ocean acidification and the resulting effect on biogeochemical cycles by studying organisms living in naturally CO2 - rich coral reefs.
You'd think that after 17 years of living in New England I would have either: 1) Acclimated by now 2) Moved to a warmer climate or 3) Learn to thrive.
I don't have any excuses for the mini blog break besides life happening and just moving and trying to get settled and acclimated with a new city.
Sure, there's a plot to Pitch Perfect 3 — jumping three years ahead, The Bellas are having trouble acclimating to post-college life, aimlessly pursuing unfulfilling careers.
Initially, Georgia Rule starts off in a typical «big city folk have trouble acclimating to small town life» formula, whereby the more seasoned Californians aren't quite in tune with the smaller, more homespun way of looking at things in the stereotypically country way.
Fortunately, he acclimated quickly to the change in setting and ended up loving life in Boston.
While these teachers struggle to acclimate to rural life, they do have Master's degrees in the subjects they are supposed to teach.
High schools can provide counseling and automatic, electronic reminders during the summer to assist students with college preparations while colleges can provide summer bridge programs to help students acclimate to college life socially and academically.
In their view, dual enrollment is presumed to lead to a long list of positive outcomes for all participating youth, including increasing the academic rigor of the high school curriculum; helping low - achieving students meet high academic standards; providing more academic opportunities and electives in cash - strapped, small, or rural schools; reducing high school dropout rates and increasing student aspirations; helping students acclimate to college life; and reducing the cost of college for students.
«Acclimating from the battlefield to civilian life is a challenging mission,» said Michael Lee, program director, MVEI.
New puppy owners should be encouraged to schedule fun visits at least monthly during the first year of the dog's life.1 A «fun visit» is a 10 - to 15 - minute appointment with a veterinary technician that does not entail any medical procedures but instead focuses on having fun and allowing the dog to acclimate to the veterinary setting and have a good time.
Since city dwellings can cause specific stresses for dogs, a personalized socialization program is included to help acclimate your dog to the sights, sounds, and smells of urban living.
Prolonged exposure to extreme cold and freezing temperatures can lead to life threatening hypothermia (severe lowering of the normal body temperature), especially for smaller dogs, cats, dogs with short hair, and all animals who are acclimated to our typically warmer climate.
Acclimate and socialize: Provide the foster animal with a comfortable, safe and loving environment and slowly get him used to a good living situation.
Puppies raised in country and suburban environments should be gradually acclimated to city noises such as traffic noise, crowds of people and other everyday life scenerios early on.
Preparing the barn - Remember, the cats will be secured in the barn, tack room or cage for two weeks so if you want to make some improvements to their living space, you can do that while they are acclimating.
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