Sentences with phrase «acclimation period»

"Acclimation period" refers to a specific amount of time in which a person or living creature gets used to or adapts to a new environment, situation, or condition. Full definition
After a brief acclimation period during which his agents figure out how best to market him and make sure his on - field performance is stacking up, it would make sense for Ohtani to partner with one or two major American companies, then focus the rest of his energy on remaining top of mind in Japan.
«three weeks is about the average acclimation period to any low - carb diet.
She just needs a nice acclimation period with new friends.
For dogs that need longer acclimation period, keep trying during low stress situations and ease in to it.
Shelter Me, Inc. recommends a 5 - week acclimation period.
And contrary to what some people believe, the majority of dogs appreciate confinement, especially during that somewhat stressful acclimation period but often throughout their entire lives, more than you'd think.
The company says that after a brief acclimation period where the cats were kept in small area, they were let loose to roam the 8,000 square foot brewery.
«When the spill began, they didn't need an acclimation period
Some drivers may also have an acclimation period as they get used to looking at an LCD and focusing the eyes on a display 18 - 24 inches away, as opposed to the infinity focal distance of a glass mirror that redirects your eyesight.
In order for them to clearly understand what is expected, it is critical to keep them within your sight at all times during the acclimation period to a new home.
If a secure room or building is not available, we can provide a 4» x 4» relocation cage for the cats to stay in during the acclimation period.
The Acclimation Period: Any adopted pet, whether rescued or not, needs time to adjust to its new home environment.
A barn with an enclosed room and / or outer doors that can be kept securely closed is ideal, because the cats can move around freely inside and peek outside through windows or cracks in the walls during the acclimation period.
Feeding your new barn cats canned food daily (as a treat), talking to them and leaving a radio on will help your kitties feel welcome in their new home during the acclimation period.
Businesses request cats from VFTAF; the organization inspects their location to confirm it's cat - safe, assesses the rodent problem, and determines how many cats are needed and where to hide their cages during their acclimation period.
· The barn owners can usually tell how well the acclimation period is going by how the cats react when they open the door to feed them.
Do you agree with the terms of the relocation process, allowing the cats an acclimation period in the enclosure for 2 - 4 weeks?
This indicates that he does have the skills needed to perform the functions that come with the job, even if there will be an acclimation period for him to pick up its subtle nuances.
Knowledge of subterranean environments helps ensure that acclimation period to new workplace will be short.
No acclimation period under the former CEO, which can make a new executive feel beholden to the old leadership
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