Sentences with phrase «accompanying changing table»

The crib has great storage facility with accompanying changing table, drawers and 2 back shelves

Not exact matches

This storage facility may include an accompanying dresser, a changing table and sometimes even an under crib storage feature like drawers.
The table that accompanies the above passage from the IPCC's report, captioned «Extreme weather and climate events: global - scale assessment of recent observed changes, human contribution to the changes, and projected further changes for the early (2016 — 2035) and late (2081 — 2100) 21 st century `'» has the following entries for «Increases in intensity and / or duration of drought»: under changes observed since 1950, «low confidence on a global scale, likely changes in some regions `'» [emphasis added]; and under projected changes for the late 21 st century, «likely (medium confidence) on a regional to global scale».
The climate changes have been simulated by seven coupled atmosphere - ocean general circulation models (AOGCMs; see Table 1 of the accompanying report), the greenhouse gas and aerosol forcing being inferred from the SRES emission scenarios A1FI, A2, B1 and B2.
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