Sentences with phrase «accomplish a lot given»

I think we've been able to accomplish a lot given that we've had a lot of graphics targets to hit.

Not exact matches

«I gave up a lot, personally, early on to try to accomplish my goals,» Cuban said on «The Thrive Global Podcast,» «knowing that if I ever reach the levels of success even close to where I ended up, I was just gonna have fun.»
Hanging on to substantial wealth can be justified only if you can accomplish at least as much good by hanging on to it as by giving the whole lot to a relief agency that would use it to fight hunger or to a scholarship fund for the underprivileged or to similar good causes.
A few christian «nut jobs» can cause a lot of problems given the right conditions overshadowing what good things normal dedicated non-political christians have and are accomplishing.
A lot of the advice that's given to women is also pretty silly, and doesn't always help them accomplish their goals.
I loved the revved up feeling I had when adrenaline was flowing; it gave me energy to get a lot accomplished.
You have accomplished a lot in a month and I wanted to give you kudos!
The real Noble accomplished a lot, but the movie insists on giving her achievements a mystical and mythical dimension... without the imagination to carry it off.
We accomplished a lot in the first two hours, then we were able to give the drivers a different setup and go after a quick lap early in the 10 o'clock session.
The assignments given to the students of Victoria University of Wellington are tough for the students because they require a lot of time to be accomplished by the students.
A lot of authors are overwhelmed, so she tries to give them concrete marketing steps they can accomplish on their own.
They are dignified, active, and happiest with a family that is able to give them a lot of tasks to accomplish including obedience, agility training, and games.
But when that's not possible, you can still accomplish a lot by holding your baby in your lap while you talk to your dog and stroke her, give her treats or toss a ball for her.
My roommate doesn't know a lot about games, but loves Animal Crossing because it gives him the time to accomplish fun tasks without any major risk of messing it up.
And lately I've seen a lot of people admired as «over-achievers,» a label I'm not sure I'd want, coming as it does from psychology, where it means to describe someone who has accomplished more than would have been expected of them, given their (limited) intelligence, the opposite of an «under - achiever.»
We talk a lot about accomplishing our various goals through time management, but as I get older I realize the key is less about fitting increasing amounts of work into the time we have and more about focus — switching focus completely from one task to another, maintaining that focus during any given work session, and maintaining focus over time.
This gives you a lot more freedom as far as where you can place these cameras and potentially give you a better angle of your front door or back patio that you wouldn't normally be able to accomplish with a wired camera.
They're easier to read and give the impression that you've accomplished a lot.
Applying to positions online can be an endless, busy task, which can give the illusion that you are accomplishing a lot, when in reality, you're not!
Work experience does give us a lot of pride, but at the end of the day, it is what you have accomplished through your experience that matters the most.
I'm going to give myself a little grace though since I accomplished a lot on my house.
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