Sentences with phrase «accomplish some of its goals in»

It may accomplish some of its goals in some cities, but the initiative has also become another cog in the public relations machine of the governor's office.

Not exact matches

That is a much more complicated topic, because it depends on the type of business you're in, and answering that question here would violate our goal to accomplish one thing on our should list.
Once you get feedback that indicates you've accomplished your goals in the first areas you decided to develop, move on to the next set of competencies in the order of their relevance and importance to your very specific situation.
Instead of a roundtable status - update meeting, consider switching to a collaboration tool that can accomplish the same goals in less time.
Some, of course, may be understated, others, like a video game your kids play, have to have certain stages attained before they can be accomplished, but the seeds for your company's goals all lie in the structure that you build long before the doors ever opened.
Some of the information is suitable for beginners while others require being familiar with the software to accomplish the goals set forth in the project.
The goal is to get everyone as worked up as possible, to act in haste, to focus on the individual rather than the success of the team or what everyone is trying accomplish.
Since this is impossible to accomplish without having frequent and candid discussions about people's level of current performance and their longer - term career goals, we have reason to ask people to weigh in on their career path.
This way, they can inform backers of all the wonderful things they can accomplish if they exceed their goal — install a coveted piece of equipment in their food truck, for instance — yet there's a level of confidence that they can execute without having to reach a huge goal.
Lamprey touches on a bunch of entrepreneurial topics, including why it's better to strive for unreasonable goals than to accomplish easy ones, how he made money as a kid and what he would change if he could go back in time.
It is simple to make a list of goals you want to accomplish in the new year, but it is infinitely easier to find reasons why you will not achieve them.
Procedures should include how resources will be allocated, who is in charge of accomplishing each goal, and how everything will interact.
Entrepreneur Network partner Brian Tracy is a big believer in the power of goals you can accomplish on a daily basis to create momentum going forward.
«The majority of private companies can accomplish most or all of their important goals by forgoing options entirely and instead making use of a phantom - stock technique,» says Jim Scannella, a principal in Arthur Andersen's human - capital - services group.
People who start companies tend to be goal - oriented: They'll set out to accomplish a big «it» — making a better product, hitting a huge revenue target, going public, whatever — and then spend all of their energy (and most of their waking moments) in its pursuit.
Your challenge is to decide which of the following goals — alone or in combination — you want to accomplish.
Imagine what you can accomplish when every ounce of your energy gets applied in a way that serves your happiness, or any of your goals in life.
«Problems of collective action» arise any time a group (of any size) tries to accomplish a common goal, in conditions under which all tend to benefit regardless of their contribution.
No matter what you're trying to accomplish in life — whether it's to level up your finances or your basketball skills — you need a specific goal and plan of action.
If many of them end up listing in Hong Kong, then China will have accomplished a major goal: keeping its hugely successful tech boom at home.
Under the leadership of either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump, each of whom has addressed virtual currency and blockchain technology during their respective presidential campaigns, Congress will hopefully move swiftly to pass legislation that accomplishes the goals set forth in H.R. 835.
Shauna - Kay Jones, co-founder of Motify, an app for students with autism, walks us through accomplishing goals as a new startup, in 60 seconds.
Setting his sights on hacking the toughest challenge of all — cancer — the co-founder of Napster, founding president of Facebook, and president of the Parker Foundation has already accomplished something miraculous in a few years» time: getting the nation's top cancer immunology experts to work together toward a common goal.
As a full - service creative agency, Digital Strategists, Account Executives, Advertising Specialists, Designers, Videographers, and Developers work hand - in - hand to accomplish the goals of our clients.
It needs to be a topic that people want to learn about, and you need to be capable of creating content in your course that helps them, solves one or more of their problems, or gives them the ability to take action and move to the next stop in their own process to accomplish a goal.
Now, having accomplished its primary objective, and still 15 days to go for the end of the token sale, the team is raising more funds in order to reach newly introduced extended goals and add exciting new features to the game, like player vs player and user - generated tournaments via smart contracts.
A year ago in June 2016, I wrote an oped for Tagesspiegel in which I predicted that a new Berlin law, designed to curtail the runaway growth of Airbnb home - renting, would fail to accomplish its goal.
To properly accomplish the goal of having the best disclosure possible you should also not think in terms of a single patent drawing or illustration, but rather...
One of the best methods to accomplish this goal is to have members of different departments walk in each others» shoes.
Musk has a way to go before he can say he's fulfilled many of those ambitions, but this year he's accomplished some considerable feats in pursuit of those goals.
Then, allocate a healthy budget and hire talented professionals experienced in the nuanced field of marketing for IT companies who can help you refine your strategy and accomplish your long - term and short - term goals.
Lastly, we use our proprietary Impact Heatmap to show you which of your impact goals can be accomplished with specific investment opportunities (in stocks, fixed income, real estate or private investments), which can only be accomplished with grants, and which can't be accomplished yet.
Thanks in no small part to the Internet, there is no longer one «right» way to accomplish this goal — people's attention is fractured in a million different directions and to get the right message in front of the right person at the right time, you have to try to anticipate where they might be at any given time.
The step towards transparency might have been motivated by a desire for inclusion of the RMB in the special drawing rights (SDR) basket, a goal recently accomplished.
In many instances, we can help owners and executives accomplish more than one of the following financing goals:
Whether your goal is to diversify while staying actively involved in the business or to execute on a complete sale of the business, an ESOP can accomplish either.
Since this discovery, they've spent thousands of hours as a team creating valuable posts; downloads; and their first physical product, The Freedom Journal, in order to help give our audience a guide that will help them accomplish the goals they set.
«The picture is quite clear, Mr. Redstone is being manipulated and used by his daughter in an attempt to accomplish her long - held goal, which Mr. Redstone has always opposed, of gaining control of National Amusements and Viacom,» the Viacom statement said.
Taking on the skill of making quick decisions that work well in the decision - makers preference will go further to help accomplish goals and objectives.
With the recognition that estate planning is a cooperative task, the Council started as, and continues to be, a carefully selected group of qualified specialists in their own fields who have the necessary knowledge and experience to accomplish the broad goal of estate planning for the best interest of the client and his or her beneficiaries.
Templates of buyer personas are very limiting in keeping the focus where it should be — on key insights and narratives that matter to how buyers go about accomplishing goals.
Rather, I wanted to emphasize how those in power can take advantage of human needs, fears and desires to accomplish their goals.
That it must somehow be accomplished is nonetheless emphatically implied in the goal to understand God truly when those who seek to understand are a concrete community of embodied agents.
If you compared my writing from ten years ago with the writing I do today, I use different terminology, different approaches to proving my point, different vocabulary, and I even have different theological beliefs, supported by reading passages of Scripture in different ways, all to accomplish different goals in the minds and hearts of those who read.
To accomplish its goal, the church needs a hierarchy: one level to maintain official relations with the state, and another structure in direct contact with the smallest units of the community and also with its think - tank, the Community of Christians.
or the first time, more than 100,000 engineers are graduating from American schools every year, and we're on track to accomplish my goal of training 100,000 excellent new STEM teachers in a decade.
After several months of brainstorming, talking with others in the publishing industry, doing hundreds of research on publishing methods, and reading dozens of books about publishing, I ended up with a process for book publishing which accomplished all three of my goals.
In a truly free capitalist economy I could use whatever means necessary to accomplish the goal of increasing my net worth.
Instead of just relying on day - to - day life for friend time, being an adult means getting involved in church, playing in sports leagues, volunteering or just carving out time to grab some coffee with a buddy to maintain meaningful relationships and actually accomplishing all those squad goals.
The latter asserts at best a cyclical return of history upon itself, it is claimed, while for the former there is a goal, «a good time coming,» in which the purpose of creation will be accomplished.
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