Sentences with phrase «accomplishments under each job title»

Your accomplishments under each job title or position must be quantified.
Add Accomplishments: Employers like to see your achievements - Add at least two accomplishments under each job title

Not exact matches

If the person held more than one role over the course of their tenure with a company, then I'd add another section below with the job title, the specific dates the person worked under that title, a blurb about the key responsibilities, and a set of bullets to call attention to his or her key contributions and accomplishments.
Accomplishments can be listed under the job title or, depending on the format, may be set off as a separate heading altogether.
This format highlights your dates, places of employment, and job titles, presenting them as headings under which your accomplishments are written.
Under your job title, don't keep repeating your job description - list items as accomplishments.
For example, under the information for your current employer, job title, and employment period, begin with a short paragraph highlighting what you do and then follow it up with three or four bullet points that directly highlight your accomplishments and success on the job.
You can either make a separate section of your achievements or include your accomplishments in a sub-section under each job title in the experience section.
Create a clear and easy to read resume with accomplishments for each job posted under the job title: The recruiter wants to -LSB-...]
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