Sentences with phrase «account for observations of»

Throughout recorded history, several cosmologies and cosmogonies have been proposed to account for observations of the Universe.

Not exact matches

A more interesting observation is that the Nordic countries — Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Iceland and Finland — accounted for 11 of the top 50, showing appetite and growth for entrepreneurs.
As part of the reconciliation process, DM may amend the data so that mismatched observations are correctly accounted for in the system.
The appeal of invoking the «fall» to account for any and all manner of perceived ills is that, like any other magical explanation, it can allegedly explain any and every possible observation; however, such undiscriminating, untestable, and unfalsifiable explanations effectively explain nothing.
Thus Polanyi concludes that, «When Einstein discovered rationality in nature, unaided by any observation that had not been available for at least fifty years before, our positivistic textbooks promptly covered up the scandal by an appropriately embellished account of his discovery.»
A theory is valued if it accurately accounts for known observations and yields precise predictions of future measurements.
A theory in its technical usage is something that is more or less verified or an established explanation accounting for known facts or observations, like the theory of relativity or how evolutionary biology is a theory.
Second, the induction to the new set of laws is not a generalization from particulars; the role of prior theory in guiding observation (of data or selection of uniformities) is accounted for.
Two recurring items that were discussed on the Cats side of the ball were that Duke had run roughshod over the defense and that Jackson has had no success agaist Power 5 teams; none of the observations on the two topics took into account the defensive back injuries that depleted the defense for Duke or the fact that Jackson has been banged up.
This observation is consistent with the hypothesis that 1 or more nutrients in fish transfer to breast milk and account for some of the observed beneficial effect and is relevant to optimizing the maternal diet during lactation.
However, as with other observational studies, these results may have been affected by confounding variables that were unknown and thus not accounted for, and the observation of an association gives no proof of causality.
They tested high - performance computational models against known geological and geophysical observations of the Central Anatolian Plateau, and demonstrated that a drip of lithospheric material below the surface can account for the measured elevation changes across the region.
But a team led by Marco Ajello of the Kavli Institute in Stanford, California, studied observations by NASA's Fermi telescope and found this accounts for no more than 30 per cent of the glow.
Explaining Brain Facts The theory can account for a number of puzzling observations.
Because its effects on the larger star were seen after just 10 weeks of observations, the team says there are probably many more like it in the cluster, perhaps even enough to account for all the dark matter needed to hold the cluster together.
Additionally, the new theory should account for the astrophysical observations of dark matter and dark energy.
Le Verrier suggested the existence of a hitherto unobserved object whose gravitational pull was perturbing Uranus's orbit in precisely the way required to account for the anomalous observations.
Many researchers wondered if the BICEP2 team had properly accounted for the amount of dust in the Milky Way, which might interfere with the observations (SN: 6/28/14).
Various theories of «modified gravity» that suggest the force weakens under certain circumstances can explain some dark matter observations — particularly the dynamics of galaxies — but struggle to account for dark matter — attributed details astronomers see in galaxy clusters and in the big bang's afterglow.
Surveys funded by NASA's Near Earth Object (NEO) Observations Program (NEOs include both asteroids and comets) account for more than 95 percent of discoveries so far.
The new findings suggest that the second scenario is required to account for the observations, and that there is an approximately equal contribution from both sources of the buoyancy driving the plates, at least in the Pacific basin.
This observation required a revision of common theoretical models describing the photoemission from solids, i.e. this initial intra-atomic interaction had to be taken into account and sets a new cornerstone for future improved models of the photoemission process from solids.
Others simply attributed the surprising results to sweeping statistical extrapolations being made from very small numbers of events, or to systematic weaknesses in the MOA survey's observations and analyses that the 2011 paper's authors had failed to account for.
Astronomical observations have established that familiar matter — atoms — accounts for only 4 percent of the weight of the cosmos.
This observation over time meant that the single flare may account for what appeared to be rings of dust, she said — It's kind of like getting three zeroes and a hundred on three tests.
According to Dorman, a combination of these mechanisms could account for the team's observations.
Instead, the web special opened with «Estimates of future global temperatures based on recent observations must account for the differing characteristics of each important driver of recent climate change», which sounds a bit ho - hum, if not, well, duh?
To account for changes in observation times, the RSS group used a number of different approaches and models to try and estimate what the temperature would have been if the measurement time remained constant.
There has been no shortage of proposed explanations that have been put forth in order to account for the unusual observations, from the more mundane ones which include the presence of cometary fragments and large disk of debris from planetary collisions within the star system, to the more imaginative and fascinating ones which have invoked the presence of an extraterrestrial super-civilisation that is in the process of constructing gigantic megastructures around the star itself.
Astronomical observations, however, now indicate that the Solar System has around 400 billion comets of a mile or two (two to three kilometers) in diameter, but the» «domestic model» of comet formation can account for a population of only about 6 billion» within Sol's Oort Cloud.
Past calculations of orbital elements and system mass ratios based on astrometry (and other visual observations) and the spectral type of Star Ba (G0 - 5) indicate that HD 98230 b is not massive enough to fully account for subsystem B, and suggest the existence of a stellar companion (i.e., Bc).
There is a profound inconsistency between these observations and «under - connectivity» or hypo - connectivity theories that by and large do not account for the possibility of an early phase of neural hyper - connectivity in ASD.
Past calculations of orbital elements and system mass ratios based on astrometry — and other visual observations — and the spectral type of Star Ba (G0 - 5) indicate that Xi Ursae Majoris Bb is not massive enough to fully account for subsystem B (e.g., Wulff Dieter Heintz, 1996, page 411), and suggest the existence of a stellar companion (i.e., Bc).
To eliminate the possibility of any undifferentiated cells in the cultures accounting for this observation, DMSO - differentiated cells were treated with the anti-proliferative agent cytosine arabinosidase (Ara - C), starting two days after aggregate plating.
«We succeeded in resolving the puzzle of apparently contradicting observations and in offering a predictive model accounting for materials and conditions,» said Ilia Valov, principle investigator at the Electronic Materials Research Centre Jülich.
Because humans obtain most of their vitamin D requirement from casual exposure to sunlight, the > 50 % decreased bioavailability of cutaneously synthesized vitamin D3 in the obese subjects could account for the consistent observation by us and others that obesity is associated with vitamin D deficiency.
Applying this observation to Japanese music and other cultural forms, Stockhausen identified a pattern that helps account for what Western listeners and viewers perceive as the extreme slowness of certain passages and the extreme rapidity of others (often sequences involving violence).
In our report, we introduced a method for adjusting for the bias in classroom observation scores by taking into account the demographic make - up of teachers» classrooms.
For example, while Latino students account for 16 percent of observations in the data, the state has too few Latino teachers to estimate precise race - match effects for this groFor example, while Latino students account for 16 percent of observations in the data, the state has too few Latino teachers to estimate precise race - match effects for this grofor 16 percent of observations in the data, the state has too few Latino teachers to estimate precise race - match effects for this grofor this group.
The regression analyses used to generate fitted values are weighted by the inverse of each observation's estimated variance to account for differences in the number of respondents from each state; unweighted regressions yield substantively similar results.
Value - added scores account for up to 50 percent of evaluations in some states, and a smaller portion in many others, with the remainder of teachers» ratings comprised of classroom observations and other measures.
He now wants to simplify the process by making student progress on state exams count for half of the teacher's rating, with classroom observations accounting for the other half.
Observations by trained administrators would account for 50 % of a teacher's score.
If 20 % of the student body experiences emotional difficulty on a regular basis, and another 15 or so live in disruptive environments, is accounts for my observation that about 35 % of our students come to school without the ability to learn in our traditional environment.
Only one model matches the level of accuracy Value - Added has on its own — and that's because observations only account for two percent of the data in the model.
No matter how you mix it, it's better to go with Value - Added, student surveys, or both: As Dropout Nation noted last year, the accuracy of classroom observations is so low that even in a multiple measures approach to evaluation in which value - added data and student surveys account for the overwhelming majority of the data culled from the model (72.9 percent, and 17.2 percent of the evaluation in one case), the classroom observations are of such low quality that they bring down the accuracy of the overall performance review.
Oh, we may learn a little about the behaviour of the human body at high altitudes, and possibly medical men may turn our observation to some account for the purposes of aviation.
Howey and his colleague have again provided an accounting of their latest quarterly observations — the October 2014 Author Earnings Report — and, for those interested, access to the figures.
This observation is the impetus for the inclusion of «value» as a factor in Fama and French's Three - Factor Model, where it is accounted for as «HML».
Wells adds that a team of about dozen specialists prepared the Wildlife Action Plan, from field observations to drafting — representing the first time that the District has taken empirical observations and inventories into account for the plan.
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