Sentences with phrase «accumulated knowledge from»

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The platform offers a novel decentralized solution to provide secure, high performance trading that would allow utilizing the best knowledge accumulated from the traditional and blockchain exchange platforms.
That is, it arises precisely from what has been most characteristic and creative about modern civilization: its dynamically accumulating knowledge and technology, its expanding industrial system and its emphasis on egalitarian consumerism.
Human knowledge has been slowly accumulating over many millennia and has been transmitted from generation to generation; its practical application constitutes human technology.
He quoted the words of historian Robert Mackenzie, writing in 1880: «Human history is a record of progress — a record of accumulating knowledge and increasing wisdom, of continual advancement from a lower to a higher platform of intelligence and well - being... The nineteenth - century has witnessed progress rapid beyond all precedent, for it has witnessed the overthrow of the barriers which prevented progress.»
«There is an accumulating body of knowledge based on many studies that shows only minor differences between children of divorce and those from intact families, and that the great majority of children with divorced parents reach adulthood to lead reasonably fulfilling lives.»
The ideological underpinnings of the North Korean citizen, are often reduced to mere speculation from an ivory tower perspective, yet the true — often «hidden» — meaning can only emerge as knowledge of (North) Korean culture, and language, accumulates.
The highway from ignorance to knowledge runs both ways: As knowledge accumulates, diminishing the ignorance of the past, new questions arise, expanding the areas of ignorance to explore.
From the time interval (56 years), the known speed of the Nazca plate, and further knowledge of the subduction zone, the German - Chilean team has calculated the accumulated energy and thus the theoretical slip of the 2016 earthquake to about 3.4 meters.
As a holistic wellness expert, she has accumulated a wealth of knowledge that extends from skincare and nutritional health to yoga and meditation.
Even with the knowledge I've accumulated over the last couple of years, I am continually learning and I do that my learning from the experts like Rachel and Alwyn.
I've replaced olive squalane with hemp oil and mango butter with shea butter, and added some aloe vera juice to the water mixture as I do not have allantoin, and added geranium and rose wood essential oils instead of spruce essential oil... The knowledge accumulated from following your recipes for quite a while, helped.
In a cottage deep in the woods and isolated from the rest of humanity, the man has taught the girl to mistrust the world, fend for herself, accumulate a wealth of knowledge, and be the perfect killing machine.
Monster Hunter: World explains the basics fairly well, and all the rest of the knowledge gradually accumulates from playing, talking to other players, exploring, and hunting.
But it was something I gave him credit for as I had never seen any of his predecessors look at DCPS as a whole system providing the continuum for accumulating knowledge, skills, and abilities from the kindergarten level step by step or grade by grade up to graduation.
Within each asset class, investors have access to the accumulated knowledge and expertise of independent managers from Canada and around the world.
Access to the accumulated knowledge and expertise of independent managers from across Canada and around the world
My thoughts and opinions will also change from time to time as I learn and accumulate more knowledge.
Participants in CCOL can earn Digital Badges to represent accumulated knowledge and skills from programs at different organizations.
It was created from the need to share our Balkan knowledge and experiences that we have accumulated during our long and short trips in this region of Europe.
It would appear that the bones of this animal were carved from within, as if these markings convey the information and knowledge accumulated over its lifetime and these remnants of a living being contain an entire geography or universe unto itself.
Worst of it is they and their patrons are trying to erase the scientific knowledge accumulated from two centuries back.
We accumulate knowledge and refine wisdom from it.
As we journey down this path, we are accumulating knowledge; from «greenwashing» to how green do we want the Tiny Green Cabins to be?
There is one thing which does hold large law firms apart from the rest, and that's the decades of institutional knowledge which is internally accumulated.
--[L] aw schools should shift in assessment from the conceptual knowledge accumulated by students... to the assessment of practical competencies (professional skills) and the development of professional identity.
Hashidate Law Office has been offering reliable and high quality legal service for a wide range of companies worldwide, whether located in or outside of Japan, and is able to draw upon decades of accumulated professional knowledge and experience from having worked in a broad variety of fields during its long history.
The services attorneys provide their clients do not simply derive from accumulated knowledge and skill.
If you would like to see how much points you can accumulate from your traffic citation, then their California Violation Point Assessment will have the additional knowledge you are seeking.
But we also know that these benefits come from practice, not just accumulating knowledge.
[16][17][18][19][20][21] Many practitioners claim to be «eclectic», using techniques from several areas, depending upon their own inclinations and / or the needs of the client (s), and there is a growing movement toward a single «generic» family therapy that seeks to incorporate the best of the accumulated knowledge in the field and which can be adapted to many different contexts; [22] however, there are still a significant number of therapists who adhere more or less strictly to a particular, or limited number of, approach (es).
The consumer will also benefit from the Realtor's accumulated knowledge and experience, which will be reflected in the quality of his service.
OPM - Learn how to use Other People's Money to accumulate a fortune over time Avoid the many pitfalls that typical «landlords» fall into when they don't have the - knowledge to profit from opportunities disguised as problems Are You Ready To Join ACRE?
The final lesson that you can take away from your mentors is the importance of using the knowledge you've accumulated to give something back to the industry by mentoring others.
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