Sentences with phrase «accumulated power on»

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In order to implement labor reforms, Macron is going to have to take on the French unions and reduce their political power, which is immense and which has been accumulated over decades of French political infighting.
With our members channelling their spending power to the merchants on the BitcoinRewards platform, our members can be a part of the new financial revolution with minimum exposure to risk - a savvy way to shop and accumulate digital currency at the same time!
St. Paul was transformed by the kind of interchange he had with the disciples whom he persecuted, plus an internal integration in his own personality of what he got from the disciples, plus his access to the creativity working through history that accumulates meanings gathered from the great prophets and delivers them with transforming power to the fellowship of Jesus and on to St. Paul.
To restore the public trust in public service, he's leading the effort to bring ethics reform to Albany by helping to pass a constitutional amendment stripping officials convicted of a felony of their taxpayer - funded retirement and instituting term limits on legislative leadership position, ensuring no one can accumulate entrenched power and use it to his or her advantage.
So he's spending his time now accumulating power so he can remake the state into an economically revitalized — but centrist, anti-public employee union and corporation - friendly — «New York Miracle» to run on in either 2020 (if Hillary loses or has a very bad first term) or 2024 (when Hillary's second term would be up).
High power achieves a target temperature on the surface of the metal device quickly, before there is much time for heat to accumulate in surrounding tissues.
When the power is on, plus and minus charges accumulate on the opposite electrodes.
«As time goes on, the rate of burning in the power plant stays the same, but the carbon accumulates, so by the end of the year, the greenhouse gases will be heating the earth much more than the direct emissions of the power plant.»
It's the mesmerizing moment - by - moment sensory power of this funny yet piercingly sad movie that resonates on the deepest level, the long unfolding takes — Doc and Wilson's Coy Harlingen on the fogbound pier at San Pedro, the shattering reunion with Waterston's Shasta — that soak up light, atmosphere, and behavioral beauty and accumulate a tremendous poignancy as they go.
(Please ignore the treatment of goodwill, advertising, R&D, you get the idea though...) To soften the blow on the income statement, changes in the value of many balance sheet items don't get run through net income, but through accumulated other comprehensive income, so that income can reflect sustainable earnings power, in theory.
Starting early can position you to best harness the power of compounding, the calculation of return / interest on initial principal plus the accumulated interest from prior periods.
On the left of the spectrum are the games that emphasize power accumulation and skill - based mastery (and don't emphasize elaborate narratives), while on the right are the games that emphasize interesting stories and characters (and place less emphasis on accumulating power and difficult missionsOn the left of the spectrum are the games that emphasize power accumulation and skill - based mastery (and don't emphasize elaborate narratives), while on the right are the games that emphasize interesting stories and characters (and place less emphasis on accumulating power and difficult missionson the right are the games that emphasize interesting stories and characters (and place less emphasis on accumulating power and difficult missionson accumulating power and difficult missions).
2016 Wool, latex, cotton, zipper, wood, nylon, digital print on silk, hanger, Sharpie, power cord Installed with artist's shoes accumulated over a 10 year period Dimensions variable
Understanding the significance of this last fact relies on the appreciation that displacing all fossil fuel power plants with solar and wind farms, while necessary in curbing the flow of additional greenhouse gases into our atmosphere, does nothing to capture the prevailing stock of greenhouse gases accumulated from 150 years of industrialization and that will remain in the atmosphere for upwards of a hundred or more years to come.
As time goes on, the rate of burning in the power plant stays the same, but the CO2 accumulates, so by the end of the year, the greenhouse gases will be heating the Earth much more than the direct emissions from the power plant.»
A political campaign on climate that focuses its anger and claims of responsibility only on the role of the fossil fuel industries and their political surrogates is naïve: their power is sustained by the number of paying customers available for their products, as well as their accumulated wealth from a 225 - year history of fueling industrial growth via fossil energy.
You claim chinas temperatures have continued to increase recently despite their coal burning and sulphate aerosols, with no basic knowledge that 1) they have filters on the power stations to remove most particulate matter like this since the 1980's, and 2) CO2 accumulates in the atmosphere overwhelming particulates, which are short lived in the atmosphere.
The major difference would be that the CO2 heat load accumulates, e.g. once injected imposes a significant forcing over centuries, while the power dissipation heat load goes away as soon as civilization collapses from heat stroke or a bit longer as the satellites fall out of the sky on a new generation of hunter gatherers.
The one big element of the court's engagement with Canadian history that I haven't talked about is precedent — the accumulated weight of case law, not just on section 121 but on federalism generally and the power of regulation in particular that has emerged since Confederation.
At the time he started mining, the full amount of power on the network was only 20 GH / s, which allowed him to mine 31 blocks in a row, accumulating over 20,000 ETC in just two days.
With our members channelling their spending power to the merchants on the BitcoinRewards platform, our members can be a part of the new financial revolution with minimum exposure to risk - a savvy way to shop and accumulate digital currency at the same time!
Finance is popular largely because of the innumerable benefits that it confers on those who take it up: Finance jobs are well - compensated, provide ample room for advancement, and offer workers the chance to accumulate real power and influence.
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