Sentences with word «accupuncture»

We are going through this also we are doing accupuncture laser therapy and magnetic therapy and a half of an aspirin every 3 days
Phenomena that were considered purely psychosomatic mumbo - jumbo (cf. accupuncture or tea tree oil) by the educated population were later shown to have real effects.
My question is, can this syndrome be healed through diet alone or is accupuncture needed?
Another question, did you find that accupuncture helped you?
We used chiropractic and accupuncture when she put her pelvis out at age 13.
I decided to try hydrotherapy at Northeast Veterinary Referral Hospital and we did accupuncture as well.
Here at the Hoffman Estates Animal Hospital, we pride ourselves by providing special services for you and your pets including accupuncture and older pet care.
The denialists in my opinion are similar to those who believe in the efficacy of accupuncture, homeopathic remedies, and chiropractic medicine.
And if you believe that, would you like to invest in my new venture — Homeopathic Voodoo Accupuncture / sarc
I was struggling to get pregnant with my 2nd child for 5 years, and after 1 failed IVF cycle I decided to try accupuncture.
I am an idiot who actually believes that epidurals can get you and your baby high and that childbirth pain is only a modern construct that can be overcome by screaming — er, vocalizing — water, massage, and accupuncture.
Yeah, and black and blue cohosh is natural as is evening primrose oil, castor oil, garlic in the vagina, acupressure, accupuncture, saline water injections, water tubs, moxibustion, chiropractor adjustment to stimulate labor, power labors, membrane sweeps, rebozo scarf therapy, placentophagia (what other mammals eat placentas?).
Coverage includes prescribed medication, x-rays, surgeries, hospitalization, ultrasounds, chemotherapy, accupuncture, laser therapy, cartrophen injections and much more
Accupuncture is an effective traditional medicine and part of an integrated approach to healing pets.
I'm a Doctor of Chiropractic with 23 yrs as TEAM coordinator of pt care.From intake (History and exam) to treatment plans.I determine a patients functional outcomes via accepted medical protocols.Most of my experience is in multidisciplinary environments (Physical Therapist, Medicine, Nutrition, Accupuncture.
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