Sentences with phrase «accused parent»

Men are generally more guilty of this situation than women, although some children grow accusing both parents of being married to their work.
The other victim: the falsely accused parent in a sexual abuse and custody case.
In Indiana, as elsewhere, Common Core proponents have responded to public criticism by accusing the parents of being stupid and uninformed or possibly lying.
The skeptics, on the other hand, say that innocent families around the world have been left in ruins by prosecutors and child protective agencies who have wrongfully accused parents and child - care workers of child abuse.
Dukes is also notorious for accusing parents of charter school students of «doing the business of slave masters».
CEOC's creditors have accused the parent company of looting choice assets from its operating unit and leaving it bankrupt.
The public controversy sparked by her parenting philosophy resulted in a court case in which Gina Ford accused a parenting website of publishing defamatory remarks by readers.
In this regard, the firm acted recently on behalf of the parents of a young girl victim of rape and obtained a judgement convicting and sentencing the accused
This extreme end of the spectrum of this criterion is well known to this readership and makes up many of the nightmarish tragedies of wrongly accused parents being removed from their children, suffice it to say, the injustice of such tragedies is immense and beyond words, and parents and children who have suffered this deserve our unending support and compassion.
According to Patterson, additional repercussions for the falsely accused parent include damage to personal dignity, reputation in the community, and depletion of financial and other resources needed to defend the charge and to preempt the possibility of criminal action (29).
Sometimes they are motivated by monetary gain or custody disputes by one parent of a child trying to obtain custody or terminate rights of the wrongfully accused parent.
Sometimes children are being abused and it is important to protect them appropriately from an abuser, but to escalate tensions by falsely accusing a parent of such an unspeakable act is monstrous in itself.
They may accuse the parent of behaviors or refer to incidents that they know very little about except for what they've been told and haven't actually witnessed.
The other 6,998 are accused parents, grandparents, step - parents, uncles, teachers, ministers, scout leaders, and so on, and for them the typical time lapse between alleged abuse and a victim coming forward to report it was measured in weeks or months, or years» certainly not decades.
Typically, a judge may suspend the accused parent's right to visitation and / or custody pending an investigation.
In addition, if the judge determines that the accusation was unfounded, he or she may order the accusing parent to pay courts costs, including attorney's fees, to the other parent.
When that investigation fails to uncover evidence of abuse, the accused parent's rights will be reinstated.
«It is puzzling to me as to why Maryland Child Protective Services continues to accuse these parents of being negligent under a law which seemingly applies to children being left alone in buildings or cars,» said Harley LeBon, a writer, strategist and former senior counsel to the Senate Judiciary Committee.
A handful of earlier films had examined (for some, exploited) juvenile delinquency but these productions, such as Youth Runs Wild (Mark Robson, 1944) and I Accuse My Parents (Sam Newfield, 1945), had been low budget efforts of smaller studios.
Joel Hodgson, Tom Servo, and Crow T. Robot endure unspeakable cinematic horrors like The Crawling Hand, The Hellcats, Santa Claus Conquers the Martians, Eegah, and I Accuse My Parents.
Moreover, schools are now resorting to a clever by - pass of the hearing route, accusing parents of neglect if they do not concur with schools» decisions.)
The cartoon, which has drawn sharp rebuttals from state officials and child - welfare advocates, depicts two legislators crafting child - abuse laws so vauge that «everyone will be guilty... especially those who spank» and imposing penalties so harsh that accused parents...
In both trials, the accused parents were found not guilty, albeit for different reasons, perhaps surpringsly so based on media accounts (but not apparently too surprising for the respective jurors who sat through weeks of testimony hearing all of the evidence).
The child «knows» that the favored parent is always right, and nothing the accused parent could show him would correct that misperception.
If children are the victims of abuse, a family lawyer can represent the child or children against the parents, or can represent the child and victimized parent against the accused parent.
A rebuttable presumption is one in which an accused parent can rebut an assertion of substance abuse by explaining the addiction is in the past, does not affect the child or does not exist.
All we falsely accused parents can do is to nurture self & spouse and hope that one day, if our daughter changes therapists and takes appropriate medications, she will begin to truly heal.
If there really is a risk of dangerous behavior by the accused parent, then the child will be safe and a professional supervisor can protect the child as needed.
An accusation of child abuse, especially molestation, can quickly cut off an accused parent's access to his child, pending an investigation (28).
While this is the case, it is possible for the accused parent to be granted supervised visitation.
The California courts may consider underlying factors when looking at the list above, such as if there is history of domestic violence custody may still be considered if the accused parent has successfully complete a treatment program, etc..
Because sex abuse is often difficult if not impossible to disprove, the accused parent may spend months and even years trying without success to refute the charge.
Even if the charge is successfully refuted and the accused parent's rights are reinstated, the parent has lost valuable time with the child, damaging the parent - child relationship.
Clear resolution of such allegations may be impossible as a result of the accusing parent's actions, poor training and technique of the investigators, involvement of multiple agencies and lack of coordination between agencies and different branches of the judicial system (6).
An unproved accusation alone is sometimes enough to have an accused parent arrested and held in jail until a preliminary hearing and beyond.
Case vignettes in Part II illustrate psychological maltreatment of the child in severe PAS, a case in which Child Protective Services was mobilized to bring pressure on the alienating parent to reverse the PAS, and the use of PAS testimony in criminal proceedings against a falsely accused parent.
A common view by the accused parent is that the non-abusive parent manipulated the child into making false allegations.
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