Sentences with phrase «achievable challenges for students»

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Strategies That Work: Motivation The most successful ways teachers can motivate students who are not intrinsically motivated to learn include engaging their interest; demonstrating the relevance of what they're learning; displaying enthusiasm for what we're teaching; establishing challenging, but achievable expectations, and employing a variety of instructional strategies.
The differentiation for achievable challenge would be to make progress in learning the procedure of calculating the average of a group of numbers, but using numbers for which students have adequate foundational knowledge.
For now, though, your students need your efforts to differentiate instruction and practice based on your knowledge of their learning differences, interests, skills, and strengths to provide them with the motivation, perseverance, and resilience that comes from learning at their individualized achievable challenge levels.
Classroom instruction that provides opportunities for incremental progress feedback at students» achievable challenge levels pays off with increased focus, resilience, and willingness to revise and persevere toward achievement of goals.
The best on - line learning programs for building students» missing foundational knowledge use student responses to structure learning at individualized achievable challenge levels.
For authentic tasks to motivate our learners, students must come to accept those tasks as challenging, achievable, and worthy of the attempt.
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