Sentences with phrase «achieve for fear»

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«The sky's the limit, but you have to get in the air to see how far you can reach the stars» and «My biggest fear is that we will run out of cash before we achieve traction and meaningful growth, and everyone's work will be for naught.»
I fear, at least for the moment, history will judge this meeting as nothing more than a Potemkin summit — filled with countless photos designed to pull at your heart, when in fact, zero was achieved.
While the company has attracted some criticism from people who fear that it's enabling risky borrowers, the company has achieved both a rapid rate of growth and a strong reputation for maintaining customer satisfaction.
Where citizens» natural and understandable hatred, fear, and desire for revenge threaten to undermine a fragile peace agreement or an embryonic democracy, restorative political practices may well be essential not only for stability and the conditions needed for moving toward democracy but for what justice can be achieved.
If the price of virginity is the repression and distortion of that which is good and wondrous; if virginity is achieved by surrounding sex with guilt and fear; if the quest for virginity drives them to an unhealthy dependency on some form of autoeroticism as a preferred means to release their sexual energy; then for those reasons I would say the price of virginity is too high on my scale of values.
The possible blight which might come to the human spirit if a minority of wholly ruthless men should achieve a monopoly on the instruments of power that make the world all one province, technically, is a reasonable cause for fear.
It seems to me that they are all base in fears for you to have in order to be controlled and for me thats a freaky way to achieve the love of God, or the love of anybody; insecurity is a virtue for an easy prey where you can subdue victims trough the power you want to impose.
Arsenal are keen to start cracking down on new contracts for some of the club's most important players this season, partly assumed in fear that perhaps a number of players may become unhappy should the club continue to not achieve what is expected of them.
I'm so sick of people telling those of us who are disgruntled fans to relax and give this club time to correct itself... for anyone who believes that taking a wait - and - see approach is appropriate at this juncture they should take a good long look at themselves in the mirror because they are a big part of the problem... no other «big» club's fans would stand for this shit for nearly as long as we have... think about it, we've witnessed a changing of the guard at every major club in England, Spain, France and Germany in the last several years because those «big» clubs failed to live up to expectations (Barcelona, Real Madrid, Bayern, PSG, Chelsea, ManU, ManCity etc...)... for some reason, many fans have become as fragile as our current manager, believing that there couldn't possibly be a suitable replacement, even though everyone of these clubs have found multiple replacements and still achieved far more than our club... this mindset has been created by an organization that has been milking it's fans, telling countless lies (no world class players available) and lowering expectations every since they rolled out the biggest lie of all: that we couldn't spend because of the new stadium but once it was paid off we could compete with any team in the world... this organization is rotting from the inside out and if we don't demand that those in charge put soccer first this despicable behaviour won't end with Wenger's ridiculous 2 year contract... I think the real fear isn't that a suitable replacement doesn't exist, but that this organization is so money hungry and poorly mismanaged that we will sink even lower by choosing our next coach the same way they choose our players, on the cheap... even so, we need to see what mustache will do if left to his own devices so he will have to show his true colours... only then can we purge this club and start anew
This is why we drastically under achieve because we fail to buy top quality talent for the fear of blocking a youngsters progress.
They largely refused to acknowledge that poverty rather than school quality was the root cause of the educational problems of disadvantaged kids, for fear that saying so would merely reinforce a long - standing belief among public educators that students unlucky enough to live in poverty shouldn't be expected to achieve at high levels — and public educators shouldn't be expected to get them there.
Or maybe you fear that what you'd like him to do, or not do, is impossible for him to achieve.
Comment: Despite a range of attempts within the party itself and by the party in government I fear that it is now clear that without specific, binding changes to bring about equal access for women to the top jobs in business and politics we will not be able to achieve these fundamental goals any time soon.
Bloom fires back that almost any strong feeling — anger or fear, for instance — can mobilize people for a good cause, but there are better ways to achieve the same outcome, such as deploying compassion.
In this «rational choice» theory of terrorism, violence and the perpetration of fear make up an optimal strategy for achieving political and religious objectives.
The fear of overtraining is another famous obstacle to muscle building these days, and unfortunately it's making even serious lifters forget that training frequency is a crucial factor for achieving optimal hypertrophy.
Being grateful for what you have is wonderful, but don't confuse that with fear of trying harder — taking a risk when you could achieve more.
He can expect in return to have an intelligent, God - fearing woman who will always be on his side through good and bad times, cook a home - cooked meal for him, be a good listener, have love for infants and children, be respectful in private and public, and work with him to achieve better standard for...
Pathos, fear, anger, hopelessness and heartache are all captured in this final movie's Snape and I'm calling a Supporting Actor Oscar nomination for Rickman based on the power and scope he achieves in this relatively small role.
Susan Wloszczyna: Few films are more of the moment than From Nowhere, as it encapsulates the rising fears of undocumented U.S. residents in the form of three very different Bronx high schoolers as uncertain legal circumstances stand in the way of their achieving their hopes for a better future.
Looking at gains rather than levels of achievement also adjusts for the fear that performance pay will make all teachers want to teach the highest - achieving kids.
im currently in a school doing extra sixth lessons and im actually finding it detrimental to my learning giving me more work homework time and my mock results are down from my last year many schools do less school and achieve much higher pass rates i fell that this extra time is making students feel worse and limits there ability to socialize when they go to school until 4:10 pm and arrive home at about 5 making it dark in the winter while walking home may i add it also means that when we get home are daily 2 hr of hw leaves us being at home with no extra work at about 7 pm on top of this there is revision for exams and catch up work for students to complete all of this removes a students ability to have fun were we are hunting success in fear of punishment To conclude extra lessons punish the mind and form a generation of students that dislike school and even sometimes even become suicidal all because schools think they are doing things right
Developmental edits can be time - consuming because the editor is reading your manuscript not only from a typical «editor's» standpoint (fixing grammatical errors), but as a «reader» who is determining whether it is an entertaining book that achieves what it set out to achieve (this will depend on the genre; for example, romance novels want to entice readers with sensual characters and chemistry, while a murder mystery's goal is to instill fear and intrigue in the reader's mind).
While the company has attracted some criticism from people who fear that it's enabling risky borrowers, the company has achieved both a rapid rate of growth and a strong reputation for maintaining customer satisfaction.
I fear that I have only raised more questions, and have no real solutions to offer, but, as Dr. Blackmore illustrated in her article, attempting to achieve an open mind and see to the truth of an issue is quite hard, so I hope that just the exercise of considering both viewpoints will be beneficial (even for you Vanguard Diehards!).
We utilize everything from the latest fear free techniques and modern equipment to achieve the best care and experience for all animals.
The primary and most important time for puppy socialization is the first three months of life.During this time puppies should be exposed to as many new people, animals, stimuli and environments as can be achieved safely and without causing over-stimulation manifested as excessive fear, withdrawal or avoidance behavior.
Has your shelter struggled to achieve live outcomes for dogs who display common behavioral challenges like kennel stress, barrier reactivity and fear - based aggression?
This has to be done in a fair way so they trust you rather than fear you, but once you've achieved this it will be easier for you to lay down the law and break up the fighting.
«Over the past year, I've created these works purely for my own creative enjoyment; as a way to get my hands dirty and clear my head at the same time, without the fear of trying to achieve perfection.
Jamaican - born performer Staceyann Chin performs her stage memoir MotherStruck about her fears of pregnancy, her later desire for motherhood, and her difficulty in achieving it.
Being unwilling to reform for fear of revolution fails to achieve attainable advantages but also ultimately risks radical change imposed by others.
The lawyers at Ketchmark and McCreight, P.C. only ever receive payment for their legal services when we achieve success for our clients and this is why there is nothing to fear financially when filing a Depuy hip replacement claim via out law firm.
With colorful examples of the way fear manifests itself in professionals, Brown detailed the four primary fears — the fear of rejection, failure, interaction and success — and provided numerous strategies for pushing through these impediments to achieve greater business development success.
The mysterious and awesome potential of the Miracle of Connection to replace fear and anger with love and compassion to achieve Shalom Bayit (Hebrew for «peace in the home») in our relationships and in the world
«The challenges we face are the ones that make us stronger, believing within ourselves and overcoming fears is what will bring out our true Potential and will constitute an opportunity for growth, I am focused on helping my clients achieve that growth in all areas: emotional, mental, physical and spiritual.
This served the purpose of alleviating activation of fears of abandonment for Mandy but still communicated a belief in the competence achieved by the family.
Whether you are a father seeking parenting time with your children, a mother seeking visitation when the father has custody, a grandparent who has been denied visitation, or a custodial parent who has legitimate reasons to fear for the child's well - being when with the other parent or a grandparent, I will work creatively and diligently to help you achieve your goal.»
Renowned child therapist Clark Moustakas demonstrates how play can be used to affirm and liberate children — children who suddenly become troubled in their school or family lives and can work out their anger and fear in just a few sessions, as well as children who are seriously disturbed and must struggle to achieve emotional maturity, respect for others, and faith in themselves.
Relationships are one of the most challenging paths for achieving emotional and spiritual growth.Few other experiences provoke the depth of our fears, insecurities and vulnerabilities.
This industry - wide sales hustle which has been culturally indoctrinated into every real estate personality from the CREAcrats on down to the field workers is a classic case of the blatant misuse of the Coercive Power of Fear method of creating commissions for those motivated by their own inner impulses to influence others» behaviours for the primary purpose of achieving «their» end goals... commissions.
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