Sentences with phrase «achieved by using»

On silk chandelier shades from Target, a rich - looking result was achieved by using white iron - on embroidered letters.
This striking pattern is achieved by using one repeating tile.
The lovely gray finish was achieved by using Glidden's Natural Linen Stain and MinWax Classic Gray 270 - Go to their site 720 B Blog for more pictures.
For example, a boho glam vibe can be achieved by using metallic Royal Stencil Cremes, but a more subdued look is easily achieved with a neutral color palette.
«This can be achieved by using different floor finishes, paint colours and lighting in each of the zones,» says Robert Burnett, head of design at Holloways of Ludlow.
This study estimates the level of increased reporting of deaths among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in NSW on the ABS death data that is achieved by using linked records from a range of health and health - related datasets, and the impact on mortality rates.
The key is to make even the trivial ones sound highly important and this can be achieved by using powerful and job relevant vocabulary.
Searching for a graduate job in the UK can be achieved by using various different methods, including recruitment consultancies, jobs boards, careers services or by approaching companies directly.
Finding graduate jobs in Europe can be achieved by using jobs boards, recruitment agencies, speaking to your university careers service, or by direct application to the company in question.
Finding graduate jobs in Northern Ireland can be achieved by using recruitment agencies, applying to companies directly, or through jobs boards, or by speaking to your university careers service.
Searching for graduate jobs in London can be achieved by using a recruitment consultancy, a jobs boards, direct applications, or by contacting your university careers service.
This can be achieved by using keywords related to the medical receptionist position as well as aligning the key sections of the resume to the demands of the job as published by the employer in the description of the job.
This goal is achieved by using power words for resume 2018 that this article will try to explain.
This can be achieved by using relevant keywords to show that you have the appropriate skills for the job.
You're being hired to do something, so show off what you've already achieved by using action verbs.
The convenience of this solution and its cost - optimising effect is achieved by using the networks of its participants,» commented Stepan Kuznetsov, Managing Director of Sberbank's Shared Services Department.
This can be achieved by using timelocks as a component to global consensus.»
The hard work of the development community resulted in the Xiaomi Redmi Note 4 receiving unofficial Project Treble support, which was achieved by using the unused cust partition.
In just over two minutes, Ratajkowski succinctly explains the advantages of lower - voltage fast charging, which is achieved by using a more robust cable and a higher amperage.
Even though island - style keys have more empty space between them, this look is achieved by using smaller keys.
Flexibility to respond to changes in the value of matrimonial property that happen after valuation but before division can best be achieved by using section 8 of the MPA.
This desired simplicity is generally achieved by using legal questions that involve clear rules (either from enacted sources or from case law) with little need for more complex rule synthesis or for intensive fact - based application.
Consistency among publishers and authors should now be achieved by using the names courts and tribunals assign to their decisions.
This can be easily achieved by using social media.
The passivhaus standard is achieved by using a lot of insulation, careful detailing, and careful siting to maximize passive heating and minimize active.
A further 5 % saving can be achieved by using the coasting function, Proactive Driving Assistant and ECO PRO Route,» BMW states.
I have pointed out (Comments 7 & 13) that that can be achieved by using the pyrolysis process on the ever - expanding massive messes of organic wastes and sewage across the globe.
If they had no temerature signature the work that could be extracted from them would simply be proportional to the watts per sq m and this would mean that back radiation from the sky could be harnessed to heat objects with similar results to that achieved by using solar radiation.
This is successfully achieved by using sophisticated short term forecasting models that interpret weather information as it affects the wind farm in real time.»
Incidentally, how would the net btu's / acre achieved by ethanol production (if any) compare to the btu's / acre that could be achieved by using solar cells to electrolyze water during sun hours, then burning the hydrogen and oxygen in a conventional steam plant 24/7 at a rate slightly less than the average rate of O2 / H2 production?
The «draw down» may be achieved by using that percentage of carbon from an atmospheric source such as agricultural waste, deliberate agriculture (e.g. azollaculture), or artificial photosynthesis via, for instance, using solar energy to hydrolyze water, and combining the hydrogen with CO2 from the air to produce fuel.
The cost of emissions reductions achieved by using them is typically several times what the UK Government has identified as an appropriate price to pay.
The same purpose can be achieved by using the small paddle behind the steering wheel to increase regenerative braking.
Quick progress in curbing emissions of carbon dioxide, the main human - generated greenhouse gas, could be achieved by using capital from rich countries to help prevent the destruction of tropical forests (and resulting greenhouse - gas emissions), Mr. Gore said.
The defocused background was achieved by using a 35 mm F1.4 Nikon lens at maximum aperture.
It was in the context of Marker's film that Acosta encountered Abbie Hoffman's performative attempt to levitate the Pentagon, which Hoffman claimed could be achieved by using psychic energy to raise up the Pentagon until it turned orange and began to vibrate.
It was in the context of Marker's film that Acosta encountered Yippee prankster Abbie Hoffman's performative attempt to levitate the Pentagon, which Hoffman claimed could be achieved by using psychic energy to raise the building until it turned orange and began to vibrate.
The false luxury of some of his pieces, achieved by using industrial materials made to look deceptively lavish, and his references to well - known archetypes make viewers feel comfortable with their own cultural history.
This effect is achieved by using multiple mediums such as watercolor, colored pencil, acrylic, water - soluble wax pastel and water - soluble oil on paper.
Unfortunately Nintendo didn't allow in - game footage so we don't have a video for you, but we can tell you that the 3D effect is very impressive, especially as you consider there's no need for glasses, and is achieved by using two front mounted cameras.
Will you still have to collect things, but here collection is achieved by using slingshots controlled by the left (to fire) and right (to aim) analog sticks to pop yellow and red balls.
We've also got everybody's favorite man to hate John Cena tackling Rusev once again in a Russian Chain match where victory is achieved by using the chain, that both competitors are tied to, to drag the opponent to all four corners.
Anyway, though they did say the effects of the 3D were very impressive, they also note that the effect is achieved by using two front mounted cameras — which we know is not the case.
This was achieved by using gravity as a gameplay feature, adding an intelligent and choice - based dialog system, as well as allowing the user to make deterministic choices during gameplay — such as choosing which points to traverse from and to.
This has been achieved by using snippets of information featuring the CITG team all of whom are based in the islands, as well as features including an Islanders Guide section and top 10 things to do on the different islands.
Moving around in the calm waters can be achieved by using the basic flutter stroke.
The treatment of allergies can be achieved by using three methods; removal of the allergen source, suppression of the itch with antihistamines, or corticosteroid administration and gradual desensitization of the immune system to the specific allergens affecting the pet.
A commercial product called «4 - BID» is available through your veterinarian, or the same result may be achieved by using the food additive MSG (monosodium glutamate).
The treatment of allergies can be achieved by using three methods: removal of the allergen source, suppression of the itch with antihistamines or corticosteroids, and desensitization of the immune system to the specific allergens affecting the pet.
Confining your cat to your garden will avoid contact with traffic and can be achieved by using types of fencing designed to prevent cats climbing out of the garden.
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