Sentences with phrase «achieves a consensus when»

Climate Change has almost 100 % Scientific Consensus As science writer Graham Wayne wrote on, «Science achieves a consensus when scientists stop arguing.»
Science achieves a consensus when scientists stop arguing.
Right now, for Bitcoin and Ethereum, we do not have a clear governance model, so it's hard to make decisions and achieve consensus when some emergency things happen.

Not exact matches

Andy says success is the differentiator, but success is easier when achieved in consensus.
Austin: Sure, so I think when it started, cryptocurrency was more of a protocol for how you try to achieve consensus in a distributed fashion.
But the consensus, when it is predicted, does not arrive; or if it is achieved, it does not last.
It should be amended only when a favorable consensus can be achieved, and if that consensus is not forthcoming, then the constitution remains as it is.
Frederique Ries (ALDE Belgium), Rapporteur of the Report, said while she had some sympathy for the new amendments, she did not want to upset the consensus that was achieved when her report was adopted in the Environment Committee in 29th April.
When educators can achieve consensus not only about learning priorities but also about how such priorities are measured and what criteria define successful work, students can stop fixating on the personality at the front of the room and start focusing on the task at hand.
Setting measurable and appropriately challenging school goals helps educators achieve purposeful results — especially when the staff reaches consensus on which goals to set.
So the problem is not that science achieves consensus at times, the problem is when there is a drive to promote a false consensus.
Sacrificing ambition in order to achieve consensus should not be tolerated when the stakes are so high.
Activities described by the various persons involved in the planning and assessment process as «consultation» can include every variation from the provision of information in a pamphlet and the consideration of written comments received in reply, to a commitment to achieve consensus, for example when Reserve land is being taken, before carrying out the development.
Casper relies having more than 2/3 of validators to behave honestly to achieve a non-conflicting canonical chain, with a risk of the chain getting stuck without consensus when the number of malfunctioning or misbehaving validators rises above 1/3, compared to needing more than 1/2 of the computing power in PoW systems to maliciously affect the chain (i.e. lower threshold for fault tolerance) 5.
While Bitcoin blockchain's «proof - of - work» validation approach is fascinating, one of the basic premises for InterChainZ was to focus on exploring «non-blockchain consensus or identity» MDLs, i.e. what benefits could be achieved when not using currencies or tokens.
In most Blockchain - based networks, such as Bitcoin's, modifying the protocol currently requires a network consensus that can be hard to achieve, making the system more resilient, but also harder to upgrade when needed.
Even when mediation fails to achieve a consensus about all of the terms and conditions of a divorce, good mediation can reduce the scope of any court dispute.
The Court went on to caution that «when considering the theory of expert testimony... it is vitally important to avoid the confusion engendered by reference to syndromes... At the present time experts have not achieved consensus on the existence of a psychological syndrome... use of the word syndrome leads only to confusion, and to unwarranted and unworkable comparisons to battered child syndrome.»
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