Sentences with phrase «achieving higher levels of student learning»

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According to the Common Good authors, Catholic high schools — and many believe that this applies to elementary schools as well — «manage simultaneously to achieve relatively high levels of student learning, distribute this learning more equitably with regard to race and class than in the public sector, and sustain high levels of teacher commitment and student engagement.»
We agree that students of all backgrounds can achieve at high levels, even in learning environments with concentrated poverty.
In our definition, we look at three important concepts that we know help students achieve at high levels through the use of these assessments: they are formative (and thus occur during the learning process), they are team - designed, and they assess essential learning targets.
We all know that being an educator today has its share of challenges and responsibilities: ensuring all students achieve at high levels, acquiring the skills and expertise to support 21st century learning, making sure that cows don't collide with departing school buses... Well, most educators don't have to address this last responsibility, unless you're in Prosser, WA - a small town located about 50 miles from Yakima.
Functions The teacher leader: a) Uses knowledge and understanding of the different backgrounds, ethnicities, cultures, and languages in the school community to promote effective interactions among colleagues, families, and the larger community; b) Models and teaches effective communication and collaboration skills with families and other stakeholders focused on attaining equitable achievement for students of all backgrounds and circumstances; c) Facilitates colleagues» self - examination of their own understandings of community culture and diversity and how they can develop culturally responsive strategies to enrich the educational experiences of students and achieve high levels of learning for all students; d) Develops a shared understanding among colleagues of the diverse educational needs of families and the community; and e) Collaborates with families, communities, and colleagues to develop comprehensive strategies to address the diverse educational needs of families and the community.
Teachers working in schools without great leadership and without very strong professional learning communities are being robbed of the opportunity to achieve the higher level of success with students of which they are capable.
She began as a teacher at the ground level of one of the country's most economically and demographically challenging inner city populations, the North Side of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where she faced what so many teachers face: high class numbers, and needing to support learning, emotional and physical needs of a multilingual population of students in poverty while achieving state and district test score goals.
They also know that students bring a variety of talents and backgrounds to the classroom, so they differentiate teaching to ensure that all students have their learning needs met and can achieve at a high level.
It means interrupting patterns of behavior, policies, or structures that hinder our ability to achieve our primary purpose: high levels of learning for ALL students.
Molly joined the Institute for Excellence in Education in 2011 as an Instructional Coach, and rapidly grew her scope of responsibilities to include human resources, grant coordination and delivery of the Focused Instructional Model, impacting growth among teaching teams to achieve higher levels of student engagement and learning.
The unfortunate reality is that from what we know, many students have not been exposed to the kind of learning opportunities that would enable them to achieve at higher levels.
June Rimmer, associate director at CEL, highlights the role of the principal in closing achievement gaps, describes the work of an equity - centered instructional leader in the improvement of instructional practice and explains how we can build the capacity and expertise of principals to equip them to be leaders of schools that ensure equity so that every student experiences excellence in their learning and achieves at high levels.
Gretchen joined the Institute for Excellence in Education in 2016 as a Math Coach, and rapidly began motivating teachers to achieve higher levels of student engagement and learning.
Learn how response to intervention (RTI) systems, combined with a professional learning community foundation, create a powerful system for achieving high levels of learning for all students.
The original affidavit of Professor Linda Darling - Hammond of Stanford University, sworn to February 28, 2015, that the assessment being used in Respondents» Growth Model does not allow measurement of growth for high - achieving and low achieving students: the learning of both high - achieving and low - achieving students is mis - measured because of the fact that the state tests pegged to grade - level standards do not include items that can measure growth for students who are already above grade level in their skills or who fall considerably below.
If the students are in high achieving schools or in low achieving schools with high levels of poverty, kids will learn and end up loving their learning.
However, the goal of achieving higher levels of learning for all students is inherently worthwhile.
Learn about NASSP Breakthrough Schools program, which recognizes middle level and high schools that serve large numbers of students in poverty and are high achieving or dramatically improving student achievement.
According to the Coalition, all students can achieve high levels of learning if 1) the school has a core instructional program with qualified teachers, a challenging curriculum, and high expectations for all students; 2) students are motivated and engaged in learning — both in school and in community settings; 3) the basic physical, mental, and emotional health needs of young people and their families are recognized and addressed; 4) mutual respect and effective collaboration take place among parents, families, and school staff; and 5) community engagement, together with school efforts, promote a school climate that is safe, supportive, and respectful and that connects students to a broader learning community.
However, I see one massive problem — and it's a problem that no one, Brill included, seems interested in addressing: Everyone wants to tie these new teacher evaluations to student performance data, but no one wants to talk publicly about the fact that we lack sufficient metrics for truly evaluating the full extent of whether or not young people are learning and achieving at high levels.
This practical, easy - to - read guide explains how to raise the rigor for students with special needs so they can achieve higher levels of learning.
The state board resolved that any school district that assigned students to a particular level based on assessed or perceived readiness had to disclose this fact to parents and report to the state the research proving that this separate placement was necessary, the length of time it planned to deny children in lower levels access to learning with higher - achieving peers, and the demographic characteristics of those children denied access to higher - achieving peers.»
Finally, we know the key to helping more students to achieve at higher levels — building the capacity of educators to work as members of true professional learning communities.
Superintendents and other district - level leaders in academically successful school districts convey a strong belief in the capacity of school system personnel to achieve high standards of learning for all students, and high standards of teaching and leadership from all instructional and support personnel.
Teaching is a skill that requires practice, training, adjustment, and refining.23 The learning curve that teachers experience during their first years in the classroom24 makes it apparent that it takes more time than teachers are currently given to achieve a level of proficiency that will help students reach higher learning levels.
To learn more about the incredible work of our «8th Grade Dream Team» to get all students to achieve at the highest levels, read the article here.
The new ambitious outline for learning is staged to help England meet the academic standards of some of the highest achieving countries in the world, but is also designed to help keep the students as educationally prepared as possible to go into the higher maths and sciences at the secondary school level.
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