Sentences with phrase «acid imbalance in the body»

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Most fruits have a high acid and sugar content, which can cause a pH imbalance in your body.
The imbalance of Omega - 6 to Omega - 3 fatty acids along with the fact that many vegetable oils are oxidized or hydrogenated, increases inflammation in the body, which can be a factor in increased risk of heart disease.
Vegetable oils contain a very high concentration of Omega 6 fatty acids and polyunsaturated fats, which cause an imbalance of these oils in the body.
I've seen claims that too much acid «ash» in the body as a result of consuming too many anabolic (animal) foods can lead to imbalance and disease.
However, most Americans consume way too many omega - 6 acids, which can lead to an imbalance of fats in the body.
Due to the unlimited amounts of veggies, and fruits in moderation (due to high sugar content), permitted on the Paleo diet, your body will be slightly alkaline — meaning that diseases and symptoms of acid / alkaline imbalance (osteoporosis, kidney stones, hypertension, stroke, asthma, insomnia, motion sickness, inner ear ringing, and asthma) will improve.
However, the omega 6 fatty acid content of soyabean is higher and an increased consumption of omega 6 f.a. in an imbalance with omega 3 f.a. can lead to an adverse effect in the body.
Symptoms of omega - 3 fatty acid deficiency include fatigue, poor memory, dry skin, heart problems, mood swings or depression, poor circulation, reduced immune function and an increased risk of an imbalanced inflammatory response in the body.
The bottom line is: ALL processed vegetable oils such as soybean, corn, canola, sunflower, safflower, and peanut oils, among others, are very high in polyunsaturated fatty acids (particularly omega - 6s) that creates an imbalance in the body's fatty acids balance and promotes inflammation throughout the body.
Our doctors understand that chronic infections may be due to food sensitivities and / or other allergies, an overgrowth of yeast in the gut, imbalance between good and bad bacteria in the body, hormonal imbalances, low stomach acid or a diet high in sugar.
The key is to use a food - based form of vitamin C. Ascorbic acid is usually derived from GMO - corn and is a synthetic isolate that can cause imbalances elsewhere in the body.
But while BHRT may be the approach that garners the most media attention, correcting imbalances in the body's amino acids can achieve similar results in some people and may be a suitable alternative or adjunct to BHRT.
Because changes in skeletal muscle mass are likely due to imbalanced rates of protein synthesis and breakdown, amino acid tracer techniques have been used to assess the whole - body and skeletal muscle protein metabolic responses to varying levels of dietary protein and energy intakes (3, 14, 17 — 20).
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