Sentences with phrase «acquired immunities to diseases»

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AIDS: Acquired immune deficiency syndrome, a disease in which there is a severe loss of the body's cellular immunity, greatly lowering the resistance to infection and malignancy.
If the immunity crossed from mother to fetus, these lambs may have acquired antibodies to the viral disease.
Some individuals living in holoendemic areas exposed to malaria for a number of years seem to have acquired natural immunity to the disease.
Puppies acquire antibodies to disease from the colostrum, or first milk, so they have some level of immunity from a very young age.
Until your puppy has acquired sufficient active immunity, it is too risky to allow him to socialize with dogs of dubious immunization history, or with dogs that have been in contact with the urine and feces of dogs potentially infected with parvovirus and other serious puppy diseases.
Unfortunately, your pup needs to be confined indoors until he is at least three months old, when he has acquired sufficient immunity through his puppy shots against the more serious dog diseases.
Between the ages of six and sixteen weeks puppies lose their disease protection acquired from their mothers and become unable to form their own immunity to disease.
Fortunately, the public seems to be acquiring partial immunity to the worst effects of the disease.
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