Sentences with phrase «acquiring knowledge»

Kids actually get excited about acquiring knowledge, if it's presented in a way that makes it engaging and accessible.
In the meantime, children like Andrea Tucker's will continue to miss out on acquiring the knowledge that could set them up for success.
Since students are acquiring knowledge and skills through online learning, teachers can then build upon this knowledge through lessons that demand higher - level thinking from students to explain, evaluate, and synthesize what they've learned in class and online.
As you can see the amount of knowledge retention has rapidly decreased from over 75 % in 1986 to just around 10 % in 2006 for an average knowledge worker, which essentially means that today a knowledge worker largely depends on acquiring knowledge «just in time» to do her work.
Comprehension ensures our students are acquiring knowledge from the texts they are reading!
These findings support Facing History's role as a leader in social emotional learning, the process of acquiring the knowledge, attitudes, and skills to understand and manage emotions, achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy, maintain healthy relationships, and make responsible decisions.
The goal is to facilitate learners in acquiring knowledge, skills and competencies in an effective... State instructional end goals and create content that matches them * Conduct instructional research...
The goal is to facilitate learners in acquiring knowledge, skills and competencies in an effective... needs · State instructional end goals and create content that matches them · Visualize...
«Literacy is probably the strongest, most viable path to acquiring knowledge and skills.»
Instructional Designer with a technical background to develop online learning, demonstrations, and simulation experiences to facilitate learners in acquiring knowledge, skills, and competencies.
Promoting self - efficacy in students is about capacity building — acquiring knowledge, skills, abilities, and dispositions to build confidence and achieve impact.
Instructional Systems Design is the process of designing and developing instructional courses or materials that bring greater efficiency and effectiveness to acquiring knowledge or skills for learners.
The goal is to facilitate learners in acquiring knowledge, skills and...
eLearning has positively affected the motivation, engagement, enjoyment, and satisfaction in acquiring knowledge.
Some districts have been gaining enrollment, others losing enrollment, but this is an entirely secondary concern when compared to the question of whether an increasing number of Arizona students are acquiring the knowledge, skills and habits for success in life.
(Jossey - Bass, 2009), explains how acquiring knowledge does for the brain what exercise does for the body: The more you learn, the better your brain functions.
The nation has a vital interest in its future citizens» acquiring the knowledge and skills without which they will struggle to contribute to the commonweal.
Fourth, young people without such influences are doubly victimized by the schools» failings - because they have little with which to compensate, either in acquiring knowledge or in forging decent civic values.
But the nation has a vital interest in its future citizens» acquiring the knowledge and skills without which they will struggle to contribute to the commonweal.
Her recommendations include making children aware of «effective strategies for acquiring knowledge, decision - making skills, motivation, and self - control to behave in a safe, responsible, and legal manner when using the Internet and other information technologies.»
This leads to advice for parents «to increase the intelligence of your child and yourself,» though Nisbett focuses on such «21st - century» skills as «problem - solving» rather than reading books, acquiring knowledge, and gaining understanding.
Their learning about the environment combines both affective and cognitive modes of acquiring knowledge — while immersed in the environment they are both building and analysing their own relationship with the landscape.
Learning and acquiring knowledge is now easier and more effective thanks to the Internet.
Kinesthetic learning, especially for middle school girls, connects the act of acquiring knowledge with physical movement, breaking through the barriers of self - image and perceived limitations.
In subsequent sections we'll discuss the role of gamification and augmented reality and virtuality in eLearning (which doubtless increase the «fun» quotient for users), but a system that is actually appealing and engaging for users will ultimately let them learn better and faster and let Learning and Development professionals rest easier that their learners are acquiring knowledge at a good pace.
Curious children often spend a great deal of time reading and acquiring knowledge because they sense a gap between what they know and what they want to know — not because they are motivated by grades.
Your people can choose to focus on particular areas and work on fields they need it the most, acquiring knowledge that they will really put in use at work.
For me living life in a «genuine» way means that I'm acquiring knowledge, gathering new information and sharing my observations.
Acquiring the knowledge, skills and tools in IFN therapy will not only bring you greater satisfaction in your professional practice and those you serve, it will also make you one of the most sought after, advanced practice IFN clinicians in the competitive healthcare marketplace.
Acquiring knowledge increases your potential ability to live the best version of a life that you choose.
The researchers used social networking models to show how being close enough to spot behaviour change is the only driver for acquiring knowledge.
Though science is more about acquiring knowledge and engineering more about applying it, the two passions often coexist in the same individual.
Delusions, in other words, reveal the powerful role of emotion in acquiring knowledge, challenging the notion that epistemology is purely rational.
Subsequently, supervisors should assist students in every practicable way to ensure that they are developing their research skills and acquiring the knowledge needed for a career in research.
Basic science starts with a hypothesis and designs experiments that validate or reject it, with the goal of acquiring knowledge.
Another particular problem is that some of those who teach EST have no background in the sciences, no knowledge of how science operates, and no interest in acquiring that knowledge.
He reiterated the vision to make Ghana an educational hub, citing the number of foreign students who are acquiring knowledge in the various tertiary institutions in the country.
Altogether, and under the peculiarly hospitable circumstances of his acquiring the knowledge how to concoct this West Indian olla podrida, my shipmate was not far out of the way.
Therefore, when it comes to the question of the most valid means for acquiring knowledge of the world, Humanists reject arbitrary faith, authority, revelation, and altered states of consciousness.»
St. Francis fears that in competition with the Dominicans his order will become another school dedicated to acquiring knowledge.
I love it when stupid theists criticize science for not being able to determine certain truths, and then present «inner sense» as a method of acquiring knowledge.
When all the knowledge that engineering theory could provide was ours, another way of acquiring knowledge was demanded.
For it then becomes apparent that this accumulation of features, bewildering at close quarters, does in fact outline a face: the face of Mankind gradually acquiring the knowledge of its birth, its history, its natural environment, its external powers and the secrets of its soul.
They were legitimate ways of acquiring knowledge, but of the reality that was lower in its truth / reality - value in relation to the transcendental object, namely God.
All this is to show that Thomas does in fact see the process of acquiring knowledge as «context relative».
If you desire a mindset that can easily ignore all of Christianity's faults, then avoid acquiring knowledge by all means.
«Our ability for acquiring knowledge,» Trapani continues, «is not confined to nor exhausted by the conceptual operations of the intellect alone.»
Instead of acquiring the knowledge you need over a long period of time and at great expense, you purchase it by purchasing a robot.
James goes into detail about his book, the amazing stories from his personal interviews with ordinary people with extraordinary achievements, and some ways of acquiring knowledge and applying it to your life and start winning yourself.
Acquiring this knowledge will help reps demonstrate their expertise.
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