Sentences with phrase «across different states»

All interview participants were voluntary, were interviewed based on their availability, and were spread across different states and school districts across the country.
But in both cases, findings will have to be validated across different states and contexts.
If you often drive you car across different state borders, then you are on the right page, as we bring you important information regarding your insurance coverage.
In particular, compensation schemes must be nationally consistent across different state jurisdictions.
Although school choice programs vary across different states, the local and federal funding generally remains in the public school and results in a greater quantity of money being available for the students who choose to stay there.
We've had loads of things happen across different states in USA and different countries in Europe looking into loot boxes and the likes but things are getting serious now.
In a study published in the journal Neuron, co-first authors Christian Burgess, PhD, a postdoctoral fellow; Rohan Ramesh, a graduate student, and colleagues in Andermann's lab recorded images of brain activity in mice across different states of hunger and satiety.
While mortgage rates can vary somewhat across different states, we found little variation among the different cities in New York.
We've had loads of things happen across different states in USA and different countries in Europe looking into loot boxes and the likes but things are getting serious now.
The nonprofit policy advocate Coin Center, meanwhile, posted a handy tracker that compares digital currency policies across different states to that of New York.
American food isn't just about fast food and burgers... there are so many delicious dishes (some healthy, some more of a treat) from so many mini food cultures across different states.
Of course you are dealing with employment laws across different states and different countries and to try to police legally something like that, it was agreed in the room that all the lawyers in the world couldn't come up with a contract to police it.
The annual cost of phantom student funding varies by the types of policies in place across different states.
The full - service stockbroker is present in the following locations across different states of India, including:
At present, the company is headquartered in St. Petersburg, Florida with branches operating across different states.
The final thing you should know about Kentucky term life insurance is that they are standard across the different states.
Auxledger, an enterprise - grade blockchain infrastructure currently powers over a dozen applications across different state governments of India is partnering with Cashaa to support All India operations.
While mortgage rates can vary somewhat across different states, we found little variation among the different cities in New York.
Though the process of getting certified or licensed vary across different states and countries, the most common way to achieve this is by passing a general teaching certification exam as well as tests in the individual subjects that they will be teaching.
It's hard when everyone is so spread out across different states, but to me that's all the more reason to plan little mini vacations.
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