Sentences with phrase «across faith traditions»

Throughout history, across faith traditions, I imagine the fantasy of a more «convenient» religion is universal.

Not exact matches

This story by the way exactly fits the pattern I described in earlier posts of religious traditions persecuted in one region being able to flee for safety across a convenient border, of «refugee faith
They also note successful examples of faith groups organizing themselves across traditions and within countries or regions to be more accessible partners to governments and donors.
«We hope to enhance understanding of ourselves, enhance understanding of others, and build relationships across cultures, faiths and traditions,» project leaders tell Teacher.
A tradition across the islands of the Azores, the Cult of the Holy Spirit dates to medieval traditions, involving «promises» made to God (Portuguese: promessas), the processions of faith to and from the Church and feasts of meat - broth soup and bread donated to the poor.
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