Sentences with phrase «act as a shock absorber»

So if you are hoping your bond holdings will act as a shock absorber during times of volatility, it is worth reviewing your particular holdings to make sure they are positioned to play the role you hope they will.
A: There's no question that the exchange rate acts as a shock absorber, it facilitates adjustment.
When they hit bumps in the road or trail, bent elbows act as shock absorbers.
Inspired by the wings of bats, Ifju built a carbon fiber skeleton covered with a latex membrane that pacifies gusts by acting as a shock absorber.
«They seem to be acting as shock absorbers» to protect the surrounding bones from damage, Rayfield says.
It acts as a shock absorber, slowing down chemical production in a cell before it reaches toxic levels and scaling it back up when the coast is clear.
A pair of Z - CoiLs may look a little goofy, but the steel springs beneath the heels act as shock absorbers that can, say the manufacturers, reduce the pain of ailments from arthritis to heel spurs.
In between each of these bones are flat, round disks with a tough, flexible outer exterior and a soft, jelly - like center that act as shock absorbers when walking or running.
This region is characterized by a spiraling arrangement of mineralized fiber layers that act as shock absorber.
Almost everyone will eventually develop some degree of osteoarthritis (OA), which is caused by the wear and tear on the cartilage that acts as a shock absorber between bones.
Using our core during jumping and running can also protect our back and joints by acting as shock absorbers from the impact generated from these types of activities upon hitting the ground.
Your triceps protect your elbow joints by acting as shock absorbers, lessening stress whenever your elbows are forced to flex suddenly, such as in breaking your fall in football or bracing yourself when mountain biking.
Cartilage in the joints, called articular cartilage, acts as a shock absorber to cushion the blows of daily wear and tear.
The meniscus is a C - shaped piece of tough, rubbery cartilage that acts as a shock absorber between your shinbone and thighbone.
Intervertebral discs separate the bones of the spine (or vertebrae) and their function is to act as shock absorbers for the spine and allow movement.
Contained within the automatic's torque converter is an Electronically Modulated Converter Clutch (EMCC) designed act as a shock absorber for harsh shifting.
The concept of money back home loans acts as a shock absorber in the turbulent economy.
The meniscus M is the fibrocartilage pad that acts as a shock absorber between the femur and the tibia
The particular cartilage acts as a shock absorber and a smooth gliding surface for bones within the joint.
A cat's paws act as shock absorbers to protect them when they jump from high places.
The series of disks act as a shock absorber.
Keep in mind that the muscles surrounding all the joints act as shock absorbers, taking the brunt of the pressure that comes with each step.
In healthy joints, cartilage acts as a shock absorber to cushion the bones that form the joint.
Cartilage acts as a shock absorber and without it, bone would literately rubs against bone, leading to pain, loss of mobility, inflammation and decreased quality of life.
By acting as shock absorbers, discs help to protect the very delicate nerves found within a dog's spinal column.
As you can see, it has two bungee sections that act as shock absorbers for dogs that pull.
Your hand and wrist will act as a shock absorber during clipping, leveling out the bumps and dents to obtain a satin - smooth finish.
The menisci act as shock absorbers, cushioning the lower leg from the weight of the rest of the body and enhancing skeletal stability.
More than anything, our research showed that strong relationships act as shock absorbers through life's many challenges and remain central to our overall well - being and sense of self - worth.
Our recent survey in partnership with Relate, The Way We Are Now 2014, found that even in today's fast - paced and ever - changing world, relationships still act as shock absorbers when times are hard as well as helping us to achieve our goals.

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We still see bonds acting as effective shock absorbers in portfolios in such times of market stress.
Rubber corner guards act as shock - absorbers for bumps and drops, while overload protection and reverse polarity protection absorb a different type of shock!
Gel pads at the heel and forefoot act as shock - absorbing cushions for walking and standing.
Cushioning inside shoes acts as a kind of shock absorber, lessening the impact of your foot hitting the pavement and reducing the strain on your knees, says Dr. Blanco, who recommends comfy brands such as Clarks, Ecco, and Cole Haan (which employs Nike Air cushion technology).
Fat acts as a natural, built - in shock absorber, cushioning the body and its various parts from the wear and tear of training, and helps prevent organs from sinking due to the downward pull of gravity.
Instead of a solid length of steel, aluminum, or carbon fiber, there's actually a small, fluid - filled shock absorber in the center of the bar to act as an NVH suppressor.
The dog's paws and pasterns must work harmoniously so they can act as good shock absorbers as the dog flexes his legs to romp about and jump.
These disks are pillow - like pads that act as shock - absorbers between adjoining vertebrae - the bones that make up the backbone or spine.
A healthy disc acts as a round, flat «shock absorber» for the bones in the spine.
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