Sentences with phrase «act as the active agent»

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The bacteria forms a slimy substance that acts as a stabilizer and thickener, an emulsifier, and a surface - active agent.
This is similar to surface - active agents (surfactants), a chemical compound used to maintain dispersions or emulsion, and thus raised the exciting possibility that Ki - 67 acts as a biological surfactant to disperse mitotic chromosomes.
One most important target is good quality education, in which educators and community members are also learners, children, adolescents, youths have their voices heard, and all of them can act as change agents, as active citizens.
The active ingredient pyrantel pamoate acts as a depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent, thereby causing sudden muscular contraction, followed by paralysis of the parasite.
Pyrantel pamoate is active against hookworms and ascarids and acts as a depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent, causing sudden contraction, followed by paralysis.
For the majority of development activity on land and water, the future act regime constructs the native title party as a passive rather than active agent; able to comment or object but not to actively negotiate, manage country or determine development.
Users become active participants and interact with the virtual situations and other virtual agents, seeing, hearing, and feeling the experience as if they were acting in the real world (Wilson, 2002; Shapiro, 2007).
Flipping, wholesaling, acting as an agent, and managing properties for others are all active real estate businesses, but not merely holding rental property.
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