Sentences with phrase «act contrary»

It often overwhelms us and makes us act contrary to good wisdom.
(v) for contraventions of s. 9 (resulting from aiding, inducing or procuring, or causing to be procured, the doing of an act contrary to s. 7 or 8, and if a contravention of either of those sections has resulted), $ 1,000,000 for each day on which a contravention of s. 7 or 8, as the case may be, occurred.
(iii) for contraventions of s. 9 (resulting from aiding, inducing or procuring, or causing to be procured, the doing of an act contrary to s. 6, and if a contravention of s. 6 has resulted), $ 200 for each contravention of s. 6, not exceeding $ 1,000,000 for each day on which a contravention of s. 6 occurred; and
Here is Yosie's comment in January 2011 about marriage commissioners in SK being compelled by the courts to marry same - sex couples: «All the same, I'm sure that if my employer required me to act contrary to my beliefs, I would protest and either demand accommodation or leave the job.
Beginning on July 1, any person who alleges they are affected by an «act or omission» that constitutes a contravention of s. 6 - 9 of CASL, i.e., (i) relating to violations of the unsolicited electronic messages requirements (including sending commercial electronic messages, unless the recipient provided express or implied consent and the message complies with the prescribed form and content requirements), (ii) the alteration of transmission data in electronic messages, (iii) the installation of computer programs on devices without consent or (iv) aiding, inducing or promoting any act contrary to any of the above sections, can launch claims against alleged offenders seeking financial redress.
Others said the law society can not presume in advance that TWU grads would act contrary to the standards of the legal profession.
So, we can see that the idea that juries may act contrary to the will of a judge is nothing new in American law and in fact it is an act of resistance to government oppression that our Founders believed to be fundamental in a Republic that was to remain free under the rule of law, rather than enslaved according to the rule of men.
You're entitled to believe it, you're not entitled to act contrary to the laws of your state.
While the action for damages had been initially conceived to protect those having a subjective right to be enforced before national courts, a reasonable solution in the present situation could be that the party who had drawn a benefit from the implementing act contrary to EU law now would be required to carry the burden of undertaking the necessary steps of an action for damages against the Member State; this would appear more justified than to impose said burden on the party who possesses a right created through the concretisation of the content of a principle (para 79).
@Dale it's more likely that contract law will come into play here - if you enter into a loan agreement with a credit provider and you act contrary to your agreement, it's almost certainly the case that you'll be ordered to meet the terms of the contract.
All the same, I'm sure that if my employer required me to act contrary to my beliefs, I would protest and either demand accommodation or leave the job.
To be obliged to act contrary either to the obvious directions of Congress or to a constitutional principle, in our judgment equally obvious, excited feelings in us which we hope never to experience again.»
Or top CO2 climate scientist Kevin Trenberth's Joint Presidential Session on Communicating Climate Change speech titled «Communicating Climate Science And Thoughts On Climategate» when he advises fellow scientists to act contrary to scientific ideals.
If the flag displayed is not the flag of your country of residence, bandai namco can not be held liable for any act contrary to the laws in force in your country.
The attitude, or at least one of them, that continues to act contrary to current demands is that there needs to be a gatekeeper to decide what books should or should not be released into the wild for people to read.
«if a board of education adopts a policy and its agents act contrary to it, such action will likely be considered per se unreasonable, with the result that school officials may be liable for negligence or even violation of constitutional rights.
«The PDP made the supreme sacrifice to make Nigeria one and ensured that our indivisibility as a people and as a country was not compromised and that was why our presidential candidate in the 2015 election conceded defeat to President Muhammadu Buhari which singular act contrary to the expectation of pessimists that Nigeria remained one country.»
«A prima - facie case of corruption is established when elected officials are allegedly influenced to act contrary to their obligations of office by the prospect of financial gain to themselves.
All should note that any act contrary to my appeal will continue to tarnish the image and integrity of the country and further scare would - be investors from our sports.»
let arsenal score 10 — 0, it can still end 10 — 10, he Asene always act contrary to d majority, he lies too, he keeps issues away frm us fans, he also protects d board too much.
they decided to become dictators and act contrary to their fans expectations 6.
He even honors this created will so much that He allows us to act contrary to His divine plan.
For example, I may find that my feeling of obligation attaches to the maintenance of segregation because I was brought up to feel that way, and I may now believe that I ought to act contrary to that feeling.
Quite apart from the state of a politician's soul and the related question of excommunication, there is the matter of public scandal when prominent Catholics act contrary to the Church's teaching.
But the conscience can never enjoin a person to act contrary to divine precept.
And we also act contrary to our beliefs (hypocrisy).
Griffin rightly states that FWTs believe that «God could have created beings who would be like us in all ways, enjoying all the values we enjoy — intellectual, aesthetic, interpersonal, creative — except that they would not really be free to act contrary to God's will, and thereby would not wreak havoc» (ER 83).
for they know not what they do,» Jesus is not asking the Father to act contrary to who He is.
He must not be forced to act contrary to his conscience.
If we rebell against Him, or persistently act contrary to His will and commands, He removes His grace from us.
I wonder how many of you caught this delicious piece of irony: The Israeli Court forbids «performing a religious act contrary to the local customs» at the Wall.
Many people sometimes, or for a while, act contrary to sincerely held convictions (by committing a sin), and other people, given time, come to recognise past behaviour as wrong (they may repent and convert).
God can not act contrary to His nature as I have indicated above.
Those who feel they need to act contrary to this will be felt by the majority of people of any religion or no religion to not be withing «normalcy».
In short, in order to impose their views on the church as a whole they have insisted on centralizing authority in the national church and using that authority to demand that many — bishops, clergy, and lay people — act contrary to their consciences.
Police detained 10 women for «performing a religious act contrary to the local customs.»
It is not in their best interests, primarily because the law it contradicts is not an external law imposed on them (a heteronomous law) but is the law of their very being, and to act contrary to who they are will make them, at the end of the day, miserable.
Whenever governments call on us to act contrary to the demands and values of the kingdom, we must respectfully decline.
God would not act contrary to his own will = > Chosen is a state of being that increases blessing and responsibility which typically includes greater persecution.
Atheist morality is without any objective basis and, if followed with integrity, doesn't allow them to act against others who act contrary to their moral system (as they insist that each subjective moral judgment is equal in value, all being based purely on individual feelings).
And the Church teaches that the freedom of religion may not be infringed by government mandates that persons act contrary to what their consciences tell them about the truth of such things as the sanctity of life, the dignity of marriage, and the reality of sex as the basis of «gender.»
Corporate law provides many ways to deal with directors who act contrary to corporate interests, including fiduciary duties and shareholder exit.
It means «receiving or offering any undue reward» so as to influence an official's behaviour «and to incline him to act contrary to his duty and the known rules of honesty and integrity.»
Winston Churchill refused to listen to wealth advisors» advice and often acted contrary to what they suggested, according to David Lough, a private banker of long standing who has recently published a book entitled No More Champagne: Churchill and His Money.
We now live in an age where Western civilization lives and acts contrary to its Christian heritage, yet it still believes that it knows about Christ and His Church.
Jesus was aware of this answer, and purposefully acted contrary to it by healing a man with a withered hand.
When we find people acting contrary to such a truth of the natural law, how do we respond?
Quite the contrary, the Bible consistently displays people acting contrary to the will of God, suggesting that God is not controling them.
What ties together Shenk's different arguments is what I call the divine inversion — the many ways in which God acts contrary not merely to physical nature, but to what humans take to be the natural order of things in the social and political world.
Since the senseless ra - pe of an innocent bystander is objectively morally wrong and objective morality is grounded in the nature of God, then God can not command this for it is acting contrary to His nature and His nature doesn't change.
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