Sentences with phrase «to act like humans»

Here are 16 reasons why you need to stop supporting your customers using tickets and start acting like a human being.
Cats may act like a human companion but they have special needs.
His high attack power makes him perfect for offense, though he can also protect his allies by acting like a human shield for them.
In the federal government, in my experience, agencies often act like humans — except in a crisis, they prefer to avoid having to follow another agency's direction.
For the most part, the characters onscreen speak and act like human beings — except for the moments in which they really, really don't.
The livers appeared to act like human ones, producing human, not mouse, albumin.
Of course for a formulaic feature like this, director Marshall has to find some redeeming qualities in them so in the feature's final act, they start acting like human beings again.
Phytoestrogens and breast cancer growth Phytoestrogens are somewhat similar to human estrogen, and some health experts have speculated that phytoestrogens might even act like human estrogen in the body.
All of the birds keep their mouths shut in a movie where, refreshingly, not only do the penguins act like penguins but the humans also act like humans.
She's sweet and demure but decides that this is the time to stop acting like a human doormat and show some spine.
If you didn't get enough smart ass canines in Marmaduke, than Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore will surely satiate your need to watch domesticated pets act like human beings.
Bailey is famous for acting like a human in funny photos — from reading at a desk with glasses perched on her nose, operating -LSB-...]
«We need everyone to act like human beings, not like rogue AI programs vomiting up delusions of grandeur.»
Or how should I act like a human being?
Instead of praying to rid yourself of the Muslim oil, why don't you «act like humans» instead of consuming like barbarians, you won't need their oil.
If we find out that they can, then the answer for Christians is yes, as long as they can act like human beings.
(Ask your republican girl friend Sarah Palin) If the church wants to be relevant, it has to have a message for those that want to act like a human beings and enjoy s3x.
This raises the question — if a machine could be constructed that would act like a human, would it think and feel and have purposes of its Own?
For the first time ever I will have twelve hours a week all to myself as the girls learn how to count, write and act like humans.
Sam has been a fabulous toddler but was a hard infant (my mama - love won't let me use words like «horrific» or «nightmarish») and some days the key was just asking someone else to come over to force me to act like a human being instead of screaming at my son.
We think eating «right» means sticking to salad... and so give up when we act like humans and enjoy a cupcake.
I'm going to have to deliberately skip Saturday because I couldn't get up and shower and get dressed and act like a human.
act like a human, take after POF, don't B A D Bag!
Ben (voice of Sam Elliott) is a cow who for years has been the leader and sober voice of reason among the animals at a farm where the critters are a bit unusual — they can walk on two legs, talk, swim, and act like humans, though they have the good sense to avoid doing these things while humans are around.
The main problem with this thing (besides the direction and the writing and, oh what the heck, the special effects, the performances, and the score) is that no one in it acts like a human being.
They look like humans, they act like humans and they bleed like humans.
Leaving behind his friends from the animal kingdom, Mowgli is able to speak and act like a human being, with some schooling from his new British friends, Kitty and her father (Sam Neill).
The way to use it properly is to act like a human, talking to readers one - on - one or in small groups.
New dog owners might find training difficult and fail to make progress, because they expect dogs to think and act like humans, and are surprised and baffled when the dogs don't.
Just like expecting a dog to act like a human is impossible, we can't hope to effectively interact with our pets acting like a species we are not.
I mean, it's about an octopus in a suit trying to act like a human, and the absurdity that results is pure slapstick genius.
They all act like human beings which is very appreciated and these interactions reminded me of the old KOTOR games, though you don't make any choices in the dialogue, just listen.
A monster can fly, teleport to any location, or turn you to stone by looking at you and players are willing to suspend any disbelief because monsters don't need to act like humans.
Getting bots that act like humans is often a tricky Turing test to pass.
This horse is acting like a human.
Facebook has a team of people building neural networks — applications that help machines think and act like humans — and many of those applications are already live inside of M, Schroepfer says.
Regardless of the nature of the case, she is committed to acting like a human being and helping her clients and adversaries to do the same.
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