Sentences with phrase «act of eating»

That means your 500 calorie per day deficit is actually closer to a 450 calorie per day deficit just from the simple act of eating less total food.
So the simple act of eating less causes less energy output.
Sometimes the mere act of eating can make us happy, but new research suggests that consuming the right foods is enough to relieve depression.
The simple act of eating protein elevates your metabolism.
Research shows that the simple act of eating school breakfast can dramatically change a child's life.
The fact is dogs derive pleasure from the physical act of eating.
The question we were asking ourselves was, how could we make nutrition and the mechanical act of eating help keep the mouth clean and healthy?
Indeed, the simple act of eating, by itself, raises metabolism.
The elementary act of eating and drinking in the graveyard echoed that first Eucharist in the Garden of Eden.
In the simple, familiar act of eating and drinking, therefore, we not only remember but we «proclaim the Lord's death» (I Cor.
Despite the advent of solo munching - on - the - go (the «Pret a Manger age» Dan Hitchens aptly described in a recent column) these chefs and columnists persist in believing that food ought to bring folks together, that a meal should go hand - in - hand with conversation, and that the universal act of eating merits distinct rituals and traditions.
Lately I've been seeing a lot of «no wimpy salads» and a lot of encouragement to try and thrive while you feed not only your body, but the enticing act of eating consciously present and awake.
The body needs that excess of calories - the very act of eat those calories is anabolic in itself!
It's a dazzling and heartbreaking booth, the pictures lined up on the walls, as the images show the quotidian acts of eating lunch, hanging out, and just existing in limbo, unsure when they would go to a new place they'd call home.
She becomes involved in the pleasurable act of eating and chewing, thus replacing the submissive urination response.
The Garden of Eden story, for instance, opens a whole potential discussion for the responsibility involved in the act of eating - the necessity of taking life in order to live - and how that act should then be approached.
The integral person accords the act of eating its rightful place in the whole scheme of life; he does not cheat it of its fair share of time, of its regular place in the ordering of existence, and of its portion in the gift of serenity.
The act of eating and drinking implies the closest possible identity — so that Christ (as represented in the elements) becomes embodied in us in flesh and blood.
His act of eating with sinners was everything, said everything.
There are no sacraments in Berlevaag, no Eucharist; perhaps a more robust conception of Christ's flesh and blood made manifest in bread and wine would lead them to take more delight in the act of eating and all the world's physical pleasures.
The act of eating is hugely important; feeding yourself and others represents an innate desire to nourish those whom you love.
This is the first in a series of blog posts about school food memories; food, and the act of eating, leave indelible memories for us and school food is no different.
So mealtime is more about her getting used to the act of eating and learning the tastes and textures of foods than it is about providing the bulk of her nutrition.
This means that mealtime is more about them learning the act of eating and the tastes and textures of foods in the beginning than it is about them consuming calories.
The act of eating the placenta after you give birth, called placentophagy, isn't just something animals do.
Rotating demos at the venue cover the chemistry behind foodie fun, including how different senses experience the act of eating and why that grilled burger tastes so good.
Astronomers have caught a handful of black holes in the act of eating stars, a process they call «tidal disruption.»
Though the act of eating responds to a biological need, it is also an essential cultural and social function in our modern societies.
Mindful eating is the act of eating with full awareness of all of your senses.
And when we think or talk about eating certain foods as «cheating,» we're unnecessarily shouldering negative and / or shameful energy we can come to associate with the act of eating.
Sure, the act of eating is something we do everyday because we need fuel to survive.
Mindful eating also means slowing down, and paying full attention to the act of eating.
Or rather, not the act of eating, but the choice of what to eat.
You are also ensuring that you are fully present for the act of eating and free of distraction.
That's right, the act of eating sugar literally makes you want more sugar.
Through mindful eating, you will become aware of your body's connection to food and the act of eating.
Be fully aware of the act of eating.
Free radicals are created in many different ways, like when fats go rancid, or even due to the simple act of eating.
To eat mindfully — grounded in the present moment — is to live fully with food and the act of eating.
Another way to think of this phenomenon is to consider that the act of eating creates a «demand» on metabolism.
I think it's fair to say that as a Holistic Nutritionist, I love food and I thoroughly enjoy the act of eating, especially when in good company.
Many traditional cultures attach rituals to the act of eating to acknowledge its divine nature.
The simple act of eating, without any interference from other hormones will result in fat deposit growth in our body.
I'm not saying this is the same for everyone and I'm not saying the act of mindful eating is going to resolve all of this, but it can certainly help to improve our relationship with food, possibly prevent some of the things I just mentioned (i.e. overeating and binging) and bring more satiation / fulfillment to the act of eating overall.
It's the act of eating on automatic pilot.
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