Sentences with phrase «act of mercy»

I hope we will balance our words of truth with acts of mercy and goodness.
«Everyone recognizes that there are genuine acts of mercy for animals that are suffering, and that it is the right and kind thing to do, but to conflate that with this idea that you have to warehouse them or you're justifying warehousing because you support no - kill is a false choice — it's not one or the other.
Perhaps if more Christians did their corporal acts of mercy in secular humanitarian institutions, or if we practiced Gospel ethics in the workplace even though it put a promotion or even our job at risk, the influence of the Gospel would be more widely spread.
God's extravagant act of mercy toward sinners in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ should inspire hope and confidence in us sinners in all our dealings with God.
Countless acts of mercy by both layman and minister gave comfort to those who suffered under the impact of the War.
Which being interpreted means now: «You cynics, who suppose that self - interest rules the world, are convicted and condemned by countless acts of mercy and kindness, not perceiving that they manifest the power of God, which alone can prevail in the end.»
Do not judge or condemn but forgive and give, avoiding gossip, envy and jealousy; have a heart open to the fringes of society and bring consolation, mercy and solidarity to people who live in precarious situations; take up the corporal and spiritual acts of mercy and joy; and observe the «24 Hours of the Lord» initiative, which encourages prayer and the sacrament of reconciliation, in every diocese during Lent.
Their experience of God's acts of mercy generally came through God's protection and defence of His people in time of war, or through His providing them with food and shelter, or giving them rites by which they might express sorrow and receive God's forgiveness.
The descriptions in the Old Testament of such acts of mercy can now seem childish, ritualistic and primitive.
Sometimes pastors or priests will talk about Lent as part of an individual's ongoing conversion, because the person enters a prolonged period of heightened spiritual awareness in which acts of repentance and acts of mercy form the preparation for Easter celebration.
It is clear that belief in forgiveness presupposes a God who acts as a person and whose act of mercy is an event in time.
The greatest act of mercy God has ever shown is in sending Jesus Christ to the world to save sinners such as you and I. Though we deserved only punishment, God did not give this to us, but gave us Jesus Christ instead.
I was not alone in expecting that Harry's previous act of mercy toward Peter Pettigrew, who betrayed Harry's parents to Voldemort, would play a more central role in the resolution.
Rather, it was a combination of socio - political factors: A strategically timed publicity stunt to bolster Russia's positive image internationally in the run - up to the Sochi Olympics, a result of skilful lobbying efforts by the German diplomatic elite and a humane act of mercy driven by Putin's personal convictions about vengeance, justice and mercy.
Farrell moved into television with ease, appearing on virtually every major dramatic weekly series and ultimately winning an Emmy for her work on the two - part Ben Casey episode of 1963, «A Cardinal Act of Mercy
By the third act of Mercy, Shalom - Ezer is unafraid to let her actors cut loose in a series of scenes that really work.
One particularly effective story element comes through the bookending of their conflict between moments of sheer compassion for those who are captured in war, both by Americans and by Taliban - resisting villagers in Afghanistan, and how acts of mercy in the face of certain retaliation are acts of extreme courage worthy of great honor.
We know the heartache of caring for an animal from its first kitten or puppy visit, until our last act of mercy when we help them cross the rainbow bridge and we do this over and over again, day in and day out.
Dom's heart - wrenching confusion, grief and final act of mercy are heavy going, but the raw emotion hammers home Dom's love for his wife and is a surprisingly moving story beat in a series that is mostly about making things explode and yelling about giant worms.
Ivory tower academics and arm - chair writers (like myself) can debate for eons whether Capt. Semrau's alleged conduct is a heinous crime, a moral failing, or a brave act of mercy towards a foe on death's door - step.
The burial of the dead is a corporal act of mercy; it honors the children of God, who are temples of the Holy Spirit.»
Activists, those are the people who reach out with acts of mercy.
This is indeed an act of mercy.
And that this was actually an act of mercy and grace by God to «rip the bandaid» off quickly.
This is an act of mercy and compassion toward not only gay priests but gays in general, probably the first positive mention from a pope on the topic.
While some evangelicals avoid making justice a centerpiece of their mission for fear of looking too «liberal» (though I think this is improving), many mainliners fail to explain the religious motivation behind their acts of mercy.
And religious faiths often inspire individuals and communities to transcend their limitations in acts of reconciliation and justice through human rights campaigns and acts of mercy.
But all agreed that in time of distress, war, and destruction, the Church had to offer succor and redemption; so it performed its acts of mercy and love in ministering to the sick and dying.
Such a person needs tactfully to be instructed that charity for the poor is not merely an act of mercy but also a matter of justice: «When we administer necessities to the needy, we give them what is their own, not what is ours, we pay a debt of justice, rather than do a work of mercy.
Prayer as practice of the presence of God; reloving of family, workmates, and church members; compassion for the oppressed and disadvantaged; unmasking of the world's claims of God's sanction for its unjust structures; integrity of mission interweaving witness, acts of mercy, and acts of justice: all are areas of continuing growth in grace as long as we live.
The image of the cross remains central, but gets defined more as an act of mercy done for the sake of the oppressed than as an act of obedience to God's will.
This article is exactly why millions of Americans turn away from the religious right and their big box churches which they use for their social networking while abandoning Christ's message about the corporal acts of mercy and to love your neighbor as yourself.
I can travel to places and I can see the long - term effect of Christians who never talk about their faith, yet they're reaching out with acts of mercy.
The drink of vinegar (Matthew 27:48) may be an act of mercy, or it may be another form of abuse (see Psalm 69:21).
In Rom.9: 16 Paul portrays salvation as an act of the mercy of God by saying that it is not of him who wills or runs, but it is of God who shows mercy.
Nothing wrong with either — but churches that sing two hymns and three seventies - era choruses on Sunday may have a harder time relating to church plants in Europe that talk about missional incarnational witness, acts of mercy to advance the Kingdom, and planting churches that multiply.
To make this fact even more fun, Ahava explained to me that she and her friends cheer one another on with the blessing, celebrating everything from promotions, to pregnancies, to acts of mercy and justice, to battles with cancer with a hearty «eshet chayil»!
«The growth and expansion of the Church is demanded by the Great Commission... When the resources of the mission devoted to philanthropy are spent, they leave behind no organizations to continue the acts of mercy.
We have no idea if this financial development in our community is because of any value we possess, any good we've done, or whether it is just an act of mercy, a gracious move of deliverance from years of stress, struggle and sacrifice.
An act of mercy may do some good.
Or should that relationship compel us to acts of mercy and justice, making a difference in our communities?
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