Sentences with phrase «act of prayer»

As a girl I rarely experienced silence in mainline churches and seldom witnessed acts of prayer.
Her efforts to gussy up feel like desperate acts of prayer from an antiquated era, as the husband is rarely seen onscreen (though he does find the time to play Dead Island).
So as an act of prayer and an expression of my love of God, I'm going to be spending hours this weekend watching tennis.
26:36 - 45) are the only two instances in the whole of Matthew's Gospel where Jesus is shown in the act of prayer.
In every act of prayer, we express our belief that God created the world with love and purpose, that we, at times, feel hopeless and lost, and that God illustrates what it means to perform deeds of justice and righteousness in the world.
theological work does not merely begin with prayer and is not merely accompanied by it; in its totality it is peculiar and characteristic of theology that it can be performed only in the act of prayer.
In every act of prayer we have already begun to do God's will, for which above all things we pray.
Using a large piece of dark blue fabric with a bigger star in the centre, pin each star in the sky as an act of prayer.
The statement «God is personal» is rather a way of speaking of the intensely personal character of the «communication» which takes place in the act of prayer.
It is communication only in the sense that in the act of prayer one does «break through» the bounds of preliminary concern and reach an awareness of the ultimate dimensions of life.
What actually happens in such an act of prayer?
Transfer is not involved because the act of prayer takes place solely within human experiences in which the person is confronted immediately (i.e., without mediation) with the reality of his own existence and of his world on the deepest levels of awareness (change, dependence, etc.).
«Theological work», said Karl Barth, «does not merely begin with prayer and is not merely accompanied by it, in its totality it is peculiar and characteristic of theology that it can be done only in the act of prayer
On the other hand, prayer is also subjective in that it is in the act of prayer that the person most fully becomes a subject or a self.
Liberation theology is also an act of prayer, of worship and of contemplation, but in the midst of politics and economics where all of us live.
For spiritual communion is by no means merely an act of longing for the reception of the Lord under the sacramental signs; much deeper, and more properly, it is the act of prayer of a living and understanding faith, by which it enters into living communication and communion with Christ, the eternal and living Truth.
Nevertheless, the pause was reminiscent of an act of prayer.
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