Sentences with phrase «act of seeing»

«The very act of seeing the pedestrian slows down in the driver's over-tired brain,» he explained.
The simple act of seeing something depends upon what the German physicist, doctor and philosopher Hermann von Helmholtz called «unconscious inferences».
This term loosely refers to a fairly recent trend of minimalist first - person videogames stripped down of complex gameplay mechanics in favor of decelerated movement and the basic act of seeing.
In my paintings the stain becomes the violent act of seeing made manifest.
Outsight, the power or act of seeing external things clearly, also matters.
If you could, by some devoted act of seeing, crane in through the window as they rattle by, you'd see the older man, the one in the passenger seat, has forgotten to put on his socks.
In his rigorous examination of the possibilities of perception, and his always renewed wonder before the world and the open act of seeing, Robert Irwin's career exemplifies the committed, moral, nondogmatic union of theory and practice.
While 20th century experiments with the effects of pure color — particularly Color Field painting and abstract expressionism — often relied upon immersive force and the use of large canvases to envelop the viewer's entire body, Amm's work elicits sustained acts of seeing and a more consciously analytical stance.
His work continues to investigate the voyeuristic act of seeing oneself reflected, while at the same time watching others.
Act 4 begins to bend in on itself, swapping the immediate appeal of Act 3's celestial musical number and self - referential adventure game - within - a-game for obscure experiments in poetry, cinematography, and the (deep breath) very act of seeing itself.
With this exhibition, he invites us to take part in sensory journey, going over the simple act of seeing, in a place where the dialog between the physical and metaphysical can take place.
Sometimes he challenges the basic act of seeing.
When we see trees, the trees are actually immanent within, though not exhausted by, the act of seeing; when we hear flowing water, the water is actually immanent within, though not exhausted by, the act of hearing; when we smell a flower, the flower is actually immanent within, though not exhausted by, the act of smelling.
The symbol suggests that the spiritual is something considerably more than any single object, yet partially unveiled in our act of seeing.
The book is especially strong at pointing out links between the stories, especially the parallels between the pairings of Isaac and Rebekah and Judah and Tamar; both women covered their faces before meeting the men, both meetings occured near a well with a name that puns on the act of seeing, and both have twins who struggle in the womb, with one twin associated with the color red.
Scientists have long speculated that the act of seeing things in our mind's eye employs some of the same brain circuits that we use when seeing with our physical eyes.
The act of seeing this for myself made me feel more satisfied and at peace with my decision to let go.
First was a stopover at the Mondo gallery for the opening reception of Nicolas Winding Refn: The Act Of Seeing, an exhibit of exploitation posters from Refn's extensive collection.
Coauthored by London's FrightFest curator and acclaimed horror expert Alan Jones, THE ACT OF SEEING shares Refn's unique collection of over 300 rare American film posters, which are all bound in a rich hardcover book.
While he's certainly had his hands full lately with his upcoming film THE NEON DEMON, filmmaker Nicolas Winding Refn (DRIVE, ONLY GOD FORGIVES) is heading to Austin, TX, later this month for a special exhibit and signing celebration of his new book, NICOLAS WINDING REFN: THE ACT OF SEEING.
«Being a massive fan of Austin, TX, I consider it a great privilege to join forces with Fantastic Fest and the Mondo Gallery to host the exclusive U.S. debut of NICOLAS WINDING REFN: THE ACT OF SEEING,» said Refn.
This grisly image, which feels plucked straight out of «The Act of Seeing», sets up the film as a scathing satire of the fashion industry.
«The Act of Seeing» is a treasure chest of trash, crammed with titillating graphic teasers for obscure cult erotica such as Revenge of the Virgins, Valley of the Nymphs and Aqua Sex.
In Todd Haynes» unspeakably beautiful adaptation of Patricia Highsmith's semi-autobiographical novel about a 1950s Manhattan shopgirl (Rooney Mara) who is thunderstruck by a mutual infatuation with a well - to - do housewife (Cate Blanchett), the film illustrates — among other things — how falling in love is an act of looking, while being in love is an act of seeing.
A countercultural masterpiece about the act of seeing and the art of image making, Blow - Up takes the form of a psychological mystery, starring David Hemmings as a fashion photographer who unknowingly captures a death on film after following two lovers in a park.
Optical painting may look anything but emotional in its content, but its direct engagement with the viewer underscores a deep - seated longing to connect... The genre has matured considerably over the past half - century, veering from cheap tricks toward labor - intensive analyses of form and color, and a deeper understanding of the act of seeing.
Sandberg's work is about photography, about the act of seeing, and ultimately about being in the world.
The show explores the seemingly ascetic and (at times) abstract geometries that approximate the act of seeing next to far more luxurious gambits in guration.
Thus traditionally vanishing points approximate the act of seeing, navigation, and thus function as does the hyperlink by a attened enticement.
This painting, a keen example of Riley's endeavours to challenge the very act of seeing, is particularly notable for the emotional tension created in the title, a device not oft used by the artist.
By listening, Díaz acknowledges, and begins a conversation, about the act of seeing.
Duncan Campbell and Shahryar Nashat: The Act of Seeing with One's Own Eyes (Group show).
The «Sky - Eye» of this exhibition's title essentially takes on the meanings of «the act of seeing what does not exist there, and yet recognizing its existence,» and of «making the pretense of not seeing things which are seen in actuality».
These works, no longer for the eye alone, make the act of seeing part of bodily movement through space, as they change their shapes with each shift in perspective.
«For both Monet and Lichtenstein, the subject is almost less important than the act of seeing,» said George T.M. Shackelford, Chair, Art of Europe and Solomon Curator of Modern Art at the MFA, who co-organized the exhibition with Stephanie Barron, Senior Curator of Modern Art at LACMA.
The act of seeing, or acknowledging, can be revolutionary and transgressive; and in Deployed, Conditional, and Limited Utopia we see Guerrier's gaze, how he witnesses and reinterprets Miami, home, and Utopia as the interconnected components in his personal concept of place.
Since the begining of his career, Paolini has been particularly interested in the relationship betweeen the artist, art object and viewer, examining the act of seeing and experiencing a work.
Like classical Greek theater, the Suz mask familiar instances of personal and group agendas including home exercise videos, tea ceremonies, and the act of seeing.
Reinterpreting the modernist logic of Ad Reinhardt and Merce Cunningham, Otto - Knapp draws from the vocabulary of abstraction to renew our engagement in the act of seeing.
Quinn transforms the act of seeing by forcing us to question what is around us, propelling us into the unknown in order to rediscover.
With two different approaches, Anuszkiewicz and Stanczak express the excitement of color and make an event of the act of seeing.
HATCH residents Lauren Carter, Benjamin DeMott, and Edyta Stepien explore the making of structures of sight, anxiety, and the act of seeing itself.
In Artifice from the Cave, HATCH residents Lauren Carter, Benjamin DeMott, and Edyta Stepien explore the making of structures of sight, anxiety, and the act of seeing itself.
Cecilia Alemani to make the piece as part of the Frieze Projects program that has as its theme «the act of seeing and being seen.»
Curator Cecilia Alemani said: «For the sixth edition of Frieze Projects in New York, we have invited a group of international artists to create installations, performances and subtle actions that play with the relationship between the act of seeing and being seen.
He views the act of seeing and the art of representation as culturally taught, with different cultures accepting different delineations of the world as realistic.
While occasionally my art has a political element, many of the pieces in this series comment upon the act of seeing, the creative process or some aspect of human experience.
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