Sentences with phrase «action at the very core»

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And by the way, political dissent is at the very core of what our democracy was founded on, so protesting actions taken by the government is actually quite the opposite of what you decree to be unpatriotic.
Many researchers believe that inflammation is at the core of every disease, so the actions of these two chemicals are very important for preserving health.
At its core, it is a derivative film, not only because it is a remake, but it is also very similar to other films to come out in the years before it, including Alien and Invasion of the Body Snatchers, but it still manages to hold its own through the fantastic action, Ennio Morricone's (The Untouchables) sparse and haunting score, and the lively acting by all of the performers, with especially memorable performances by Kurt Russell (Stargate, Tombstone) and Keith David (They Live, Final Analysis).
Still, aside from all the hack - and - slash action that does make Fire Emblem Warriors look and feel more like a Warriors game than Hyrule Warriors ever did, Fire Emblem Warriors is still very much so Fire Emblem at its core.
At its core, Uncharted the Nathan Drake Collection is a third - person action adventure that incorporates quick - time events, puzzles, navigating dangerous environments, climbing, killing and a very sturdy combat system with a decent cover system.
I was very impressed by what the Russo Brothers have delivered, it's an exciting action movie with some incredible set pieces (the car chase scene alone is fantastic, along with everything else) and a compelling story at its core that progresses the characters.
At its core Killer is Dead is very much an action game in which you'll slice your way through hordes of foes.
Rest assured, Bloodborne is still an action RPG at its core, and combat is still very much about strategy and tactics.»
A capable arcadey mech sim lurks at the very core of the package, replete with in - depth customisation and immediate action.
Rather than provide a thorough summary of the proceedings, I will focus on what I thought was the key message that lays at the core of Economy's testimony, but was also touched upon by Lieberthal and Chandler - the need for measurable, reportable and verifiable (MRV) actions (< — very helpful WRI report, btw), as called for in the Bali Action Plan.
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