Sentences with phrase «action for»

The incorporation of the code into supply agreements would also give suppliers private rights of action for breach of contract.
This will help to inspire others around the world to take action for climate justice.
Even if the police report determined that the truck driver should not face criminal charges, you still may have a civil cause of action for damages.
But it's fair to say some patents have expired, and companies can combine and make their own pedals with no threat of legal action for patent or IP infringement.
The purpose of the event was a call for action for clergy to take part in the national movement to transform public education.
We bring actions for bad faith insurance negotiation, consumer and business fraud, and violations of commercial law and securities law.
The statute of limitations of most states requires that a civil action for child abuse be brought within a certain time after the abuse occurred.
We welcome applications from dedicated scientists who seek not only to discover but to turn discoveries into action for animals.
Also, a $ 10,000 increase in deductible was introduced for certain claims based on the administrative dismissal of actions for delay.
Our injury attorneys can advise you on your options for bringing a legal action for wrongful death.
The regulated conduct defence could not be used to block the proposed class action for conspiracy, a court held.
A goal of Action for Healthy Kids is that all schools provide daily, quality physical education for all students from kindergarten to 12th grade.
All of these modes are a lot of fun to play and provide tons of action for up to 10 players.
Plus, we'll send you updates and action alerts so you can take quick, simple actions for animals each week.
Several employees commenced civil actions for damages for wrongful dismissal.
I also believe that not buying stuff from unethical producers is an effective action for change.
You can be rigid with your rules and risk management but you must be flexible when it comes to how the future plays out in price action for any market or stock.
Should a student be arrested in school, he can come back the very next day and await the results of school disciplinary action for several days afterward.
The complaints process is more suited to systemic breaches and an individual victim retains the right to bring a civil court action for damages.
It would, however, be expensive, in myriad social costs, to create a novel tort action for loss of pet companionship.
A global call to action for students to raise awareness about conscious living, informed consumption, and the collective impact of individual action.
Much of the motivation for this form of action for justice depends on hope for success in achieving the declared goals within a foreseeable time span.
He needed a surgery procedure and was out of action for over a month.
Many actions for which one might be deemed liable in a civil case are also violations of criminal statutes.
Customer filed action for personal injuries she received when she slipped and fell in store.
She has a focus on civil and administrative litigation including actions for defamation.
This is also a good action for when properties become vacant and the market is slow or for emergency funds.
Increase student learning through 10 steps known as high - leverage team actions for mathematics instruction and assessment.
However, these threats did not result in actions for at least three reasons: international pressure, self - interested elites and total uncertainty.
Figure out a plan of action for how to get out, and implement it.
Customer who slipped and fell in discount store stated cause of action for negligence against store manager.
We as a society must come together to demand action for those we have lost, and for those who have survived.
The theory and practice of love in direct action for social change received new impetus in the 20th century.
Data also should lead faculty to take specific actions for transformational changes.
The study focused on serious injuries (athletes were out of action for more than 21 days), and the data came from schools with athletic trainers.
Children must be at least age 16 to apply for a drone license and are subject to enforcement actions for drones.
You require experienced, senior counsel in a civil action for recovery of monies in a case of investment fraud.
I felt that was a age when they could understand if I used corrective action for accidents.
This book recommends actions for individuals to be more green in the homes where we live, the way we travel, the food we eat, and the things we buy.
We break the editorial gate - keeping for women to share stories that evoke self - understanding of the other, stories about what should be done to shape thought and action for women.
If your message lays the groundwork for constructive action for individuals as well as groups, it can be translated to new concerns as they arise.
Develop an action plan and be as specific as possible on the things that you need to put into action for improvement.

Phrases with «action for»

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