Sentences with phrase «action in question»

The government or public action in question must not involve itself excessively with religion.
The proper answer is «people argue that the president has the authority when they agree with the executive action in question; and that he does not, when they disagree».
It's important to note that a case's statute of limitations can vary widely, depending on the type of offending action in question.
The government or public action in question * should only engage in secular or civil matters, leaving religion up to the individual.
The high court is also unimpressed with the fact that the drug giving rise to the product liability was distributed by a California company, presumably because the cause of action in question in the case was brought against the manufacturer as a strict liability defective product claim, rather than as a claim against a seller of the product arising from a warranty that the product was free of defects arising under the Uniform Commercial Code or an express warranty.
Given that most whistleblower protections cover specific circumstances, it may be wise to consult with an attorney about the whistleblower action in question.
If the government action in question does not purposefully limit the expression in question, and the limit is incidental to another purpose, then the claimant must also establish that the expression promotes one of the three purposes of s. 2 (b) articulated in Irwin Toy Ltd. v. Quebec (Attorney General), [1989] 1 S.C.R. 927.
To ask this second type of question is to raise a variety of issues: «Are the forms of speech and action in question a traditional legacy from an earlier social and cultural setting?
The action in question is that of bearing witness to God in all of one's life and behavior and in all the complex variety of acts and attitudes that this involves.
If I ask myself whether, on fuller reflection about my reason for feeling this way, my sense of obligation may cease to attach itself to the nonperformance of the action in question, I incline strongly to the negative view, and I find it difficult to believe that at this point other rational beings differ from me.
In other words: A: The action in question is described in such a way as to make it sound lovely and fluffy.
Besides, she added, as if this would mitigate things, the actions in question had occurred before she entered the Senate.
Some jurisdictions require the plaintiff to file a bond to cover the defendant's loss from the stopping the actions in question should the plaintiff not prevail.
The Regulator does not need to wait until problems with the pension scheme or with the business arise as a result of the action in question — in fact, the six year time limit from the action encourages it to act early.
Of course, there must be a cause and effect relationship between your injuries and action in question, i.e., the action giving rise to a personal injury claim must have caused or contributed to the injuries in which you are seeking compensation.
Liability is not avoided by automating the actions in question...
``... charges for work done by or on behalf of the Solicitors which would have been payable if this agreement did not provide for a success fee, calculated on the basis of the fees allowable for that work in the court in which the action in question is conducted or would be conducted if proceedings were to be issued.»
This video provides a straightforward example of both what end credits are, and the action in question.
Stage one: does the action in question fall within the general scope of a police duty imposed by statute or recognized at common law?
As we all know, the particular circumstances surrounding an event play a significant role in determining whether the action in question is ethical or not.
He submitted that neither was the case since the proposals were acknowledged to fall outside the existing statutory regime for local government restructuring (Local Government Act 1992 (LGA 1992), Pt 2) and the actions in question were not prerogative acts.
Andrew Arden QC, on behalf of the claimants, argued firstly that since the actions of the secretary of state in inviting, assessing and reaching conclusions as to the proposals were essentially «governmental» in character, they could only lawfully be undertaken if she had express or implied statutory authority so to act, or if the actions in question fell within the scope of the royal prerogative.
The actions of one tenant can set off a chain reaction across a whole entire apartment building, which can be dangerous or even deadly if the actions in question are foolish or illegal.
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