Sentences with phrase «action taking place»

Students then use sticky notes to write a word or two that indicates how they feel or what types of actions take place in that section of the classroom.
Instead, we focused on the wealth of action taking place.
The main action takes place on the TV screen, with one player trying to stay alive long enough to kill a certain number of zombies.
For some a building is a place where action takes place around or within.
About 90 % of all price - action takes place inside the bands, and any breakout outside the bands is a major event.
Updates were given about key actions taking place around the state and nation.
The chaotic action takes place over three gameplay modes for up to four players.
After viewing the anatomy overview, you will be able to easily visualize the muscle action taking place during your exercises.
This is a story of bold, stubborn small town people who feel they have nothing to lose and because of this little thought before action takes place.
As such, the main action takes place on the top screen, while the bottom screen shows the battle order of both characters and enemies.
However, coming to any desired agreement still takes time, so we can expect that later, when less negotiation time will be left, much more action takes place.
There is always a lot of behind the scenes actions taking place, and the astute trader needs to keep themselves aware of these things.
The big names on the men's side weren't on the court as first - round action took place.
Identify the times of day your account received traffic that resulted in a desired action taking place, as well as the cost per conversion.
They will be noticing that there is some type of zoning action taking place before one of our boards concerning that particular property.
Most of the really important action takes place in the war that consumes most of the second half of the book.
The book ended up being so tightly paced that it reads in «real time» with the entire action taking place in five hours.
Beautifully written, this tour de force tells a story whose dramatic action takes place in only one minute and seven seconds.
Make your investment moves before any major market action takes place.
This seven - year clock begins ticking on «the date of last activity» or, in other words, when the last action took place on the account.
If the complete opposite price action took place, you'd have yourself the perfect bearish example.
The dive started as a regular one, with great shark action taking place in front of the group.
If you press a button, and an immediate action takes place, it's an action game.
The second action took place in front of a coal - fired power plant, where the activists called for climate justice and the end of coal - mining.
The whole action takes place on beautiful «zombie world backyard», according to physics rules, so everything can happen.
The book's action takes place over 17 days, with each of the chapters corresponding to a single day.
It is simply a recognition that action takes place on a field of moral danger and ambiguity.
As action takes place in two different levels, you can switch between them at any time.
Making protected economical preparations is the best way to protect your family members economical future regardless of what actions take place.
Keni Harrison went to No. 2 on the 100m hurdles world all - time list when Eugene Diamond League action took place at the Prefontaine Classic on Saturday (May 28).
The arenas look great, with action taking place everywhere from the Batcave to Metropolis.
In so doing, at issue is not a subjective psychoanalytic process, but a typical situation in which action takes place within a context of significant symbols.
But it is; though the onstage action takes place entirely on the back porch of Catherine's house, the scope is expanded here for the film medium without burying its heart in the
As you play, the game projects the image of the playing surface on the screen and it overlays this with animated images when actions take place.
The game is set in the state of San Andreas which is loosely based on the states of California and Nevada with most of the gameplay action taking place across three cities, Los Santos, San Fierro and Las Venturas which are based in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Las Vegas respectively.
The trailer teases hilarious odd couples like Shaquille O'Neal and John Cena, as well as more action taking place outside of the car as the celebs venture into bakeries, laundromats, and basketball courts.
The real action takes place on the corner where the walls meet, and you can see huge schools of jacks and batfish, and we often spot bigger species such as sharks, tuna or huge napoleon wrasse.
This year's action takes place as Facebook emphasizes content from friends and family, threatening to cut off many advocacy groups» connections to their social communities.
I am disturbed because this is coming barely 48 hours after the same kind of action took place not far from here during which people were abducted.»
Audiences are used to seeing movies set in the»60s, during World War II or in the Old West, but seeing action take place in 1980 just feels foreign.
The alleged actions took place while he was chief executive of Guggenheim Digital Media.
Action takes place under the cover of darkness where players can only be spotted when they shoot, dash or walk into a light source.
Congress has passed a short - term spending bill that will keep the government open, preventing a shutdown, as a flurry of last - minute action takes place just before the holiday week begins.
«The president will not have the meeting without seeing concrete steps and concrete actions take place by North...
But perhaps the reason is the overall shift to Instagram where the majority of action takes place by now.
Onscreen dice are used to determine damage amounts in battles, with movement and all other actions taking place through menus.
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