Sentences with phrase «activate hypothalamus»

Furthermore, androstadienone has been shown to maintain increased levels of salivary cortisol in women [7], activate hypothalamus in a sex [8] and sexual orientation dependent manner [9], [10], and activate brain areas related to social cognition and attention [11].
A feeling of gratitude can also activate the hypothalamus, which controls not only essential bodily functions such as sleeping and eating, but also metabolism and stress.
Inhaling essential oils activates the hypothalamus — the area of the brain which sends messages to other parts of the body.

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Injections of leptin in db mutant mice have no effect, because there are no leptin receptors in the hypothalamus for the exogenous leptin to activate.
Cao even discovered a possible mechanism: A stimulating environment seemed to activate the brain's hypothalamus, which regulates hormones that affect everything from mood to cancer proliferation.
In studies in which both men and women viewed pornography, the amygdala and the hypothalamus were activated more strongly in men.
«But in women, the hypothalamus is activated, which controls digestion, so it may not be surprising that when a woman is really upset, she feels weak and nauseated and can't sleep.»
Women, on the other hand, activated the left hemisphere, which concentrates more on the body's inner environment and is connected to the insular cortex, where sensory information is translated into emotional experiences, and to the hypothalamus, the master regulator of such basic functions as metabolism.
She did so by activating neurons in a specific region of the hypothalamus, deep in the center of the brain.
While other types of neurons in the brainstem and hypothalamus have been shown to influence REM sleep, Dan said, «Because of the strong induction of REM sleep — in 94 percent of the recorded trials our mice entered REM sleep within seconds of activating the neurons — we think this might be a critical node of a relatively small network that makes the decision whether you go into dream sleep or not.»
Here, in samples of mouse hypothalamus — the brain center that detects and regulates internal temperature — Kun Song and colleagues identified neurons that were uniquely activated in response to warming at temperatures above the physiological set point of 37 °C.
These hormones, in turn, activate a host of neurons in the brain's hypothalamus — the body's energy control center.
AAN neurons connect the brainstem to the thalamus, hypothalamus, basal forebrain and cortex, activating cortically based awareness networks.
Specifically, there is a small group of hypothalamus neurons, called POMC, that detect and integrate signals that inform on the energy state of the organism and activate the appropriate physiological responses.
For brainstem, basal ganglia, cerebellum and limbic system the results were complex or contradictory: in the basal ganglia, brainstem and cerebellum, two studies [53], [59] found that acupuncture was associated with more deactivation while three other studies [15], [57], [60] found acupuncture associated with more activation; thalamus and insula [15], [16], [54], [58] were activated more while hypothalamus, hippocampus, amygdala and temporal pole [53], [54], [58], [59] were deactivated more by acupuncture.
The release of growth hormone is activated by GHRH, growth hormone releasing hormone, also referred to as somatocrinin, secreted by the hypothalamus in a pulsatile mode and in line with a circadian cycle that reaches its peak throughout the slow sleep.
As the initial surge of epinephrine subsides, the hypothalamus activates the second component of the stress response system — known as the HPA axis.
After the amygdala sends a distress signal, the hypothalamus activates the sympathetic nervous system by sending signals through the autonomic nerves to the adrenal glands.
This decreased activity in the hypothalamus is not seen after consuming aspartame, indicating the food reward pathways have not been as fully activated.
Taking a walk outdoors, if only for a few moments, allows the warmth of the sun to warm you, while at a deeper level the stimulus of sunlight activates rhythms via the pineal gland and hypothalamus in the brain.
Mother's depression scores are inversely related to activity in the OFC in response to cries (Laurent and Ablow, 2012), and mothers who more strongly activate the lateral OFC in response to their infant's cries, which the authors interpreted as increased emotion regulation, have less activity of the hypothalamus - pituitary - adrenal (HPA) axis in response to the Strange Situation (Laurent et al., 2011).
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