Sentences with phrase «activating healing cells»

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A new mouse study shows that triggering a gene inside astrocytes activates the star - shaped cells and may improve the brain's ability to heal from a range of debilitating conditions, from stroke to concussions and spine injuries.
«The first thing that needs to happen for wound healing is to activate the migration of epithelial cells,» Oudhoff says.
Knowing how cells exert force and sense mechanical feedback in their microenvironment is crucial to understanding how they activate a wide range of cellular functions, such as cell reproduction, differentiation and adhesion — basic physiological processes that underlie embryo development, tumor metastasis, wound healing and many other aspects of human health and disease.
The team found they could replicate the healing abilities of the engineered mice by giving nongenetically altered ones drugs that help activate certain metabolic processes — the same pathway Lin28a stimulates — revving up and energizing cells as if they were much younger.
A Emory News item on a helpful part of the microbiome focuses on how the same type of bacteria â $ «lactobacilli â $ «activates the same ancient signaling pathway in intestinal cells in both insects and mammals. It continues a line of research from Rheinallt Jones and Andrew Neish on how beneficial bacteria stimulate wound healing by activating ROS (reactive oxygen species).
Detox stands for detoxification, and is a period of time over which the body activates its natural healing mechanisms by pouring toxins stored in the cells and tissues back into the bloodstream for elimination through the kidneys and other organs.
The role of these stem cells is to activate areas of the body with low blood flow (bones, tissues, ligaments, and cartilage) which makes it difficult for the body to heal and repair naturally.
When dogs, cats, and people are younger, they have an abundance of activated stem cells that facilitate healing at a more rapid rate than the aging patient.
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