Sentences with phrase «active effort»

As a company, we make active efforts to help solve this for our retailers.
And then what do you do about the 4 - year employment gap that followed, thanks to active efforts on the part of the former employer to keep you from working?
Of course you would want active profits without active effort, adding passive real estate investing to your portfolio affords you the opportunity.
«It requires active effort to maintain — to coast — rather than grow,» he asserts.
It's still largely determined by algorithm, but it's often cheaper than more active efforts by a money manager, and it allows those with a net worth that doesn't qualify one for a major financial management firm to reap some of the benefits of advising.
The next three most - common constructive responses, found in seven locations, are partnerships with successful nonprofit CMOs or for - profit charter school operators, education management organizations (EMOs), to operate schools; the replication of successful charter school practices; and an increase in active efforts to market district offerings to students and families (see Table 1).
«I recommend once kids start to walk, simply having a child toddle in with you to the bathroom as you explain that poop goes in the potty, how to flush the toilet, things like that,» says Dr. Laura Jana, author of It's You and Me Against the Pee... «The more active effort can start 18 to 24 months, but sometimes later if children are not showing signs of readiness.»
Despite his doubts about active efforts at change, McKee acknowledges that the Albany reform conversation has changed since the Silver and Skelos indictments.
And through active effort, we advance our practice into one of self - love and self - acceptance.
«There are many active efforts to combat obesity, but our culture at large is in the business of propagating it for profit, from big food to big media to big pharma.
As concern food intolerances, there is a very active effort in identifying specific biomarkers indicative of food intolerances.
So unless the review paper already exists (always a dicey proposition) I have no answer for you that could conceivably be worth the effort, particularly since there are ongoing active efforts to lie and misdirect about other matters.
«The company makes active efforts when it comes to recycling, being environmentally conscious and not wasting water.
«Mr. Gary Locke has made active efforts in fostering China - U.S. communication and cooperation,» Hong Lei said.
Passive income is that income that is generated without active effort by the owner.
The theory of climate justice tells us that the gap between rich and poor and the looming threat of catastrophic climate change are not simply unfortunate circumstances that demand our attention and action, but rather the result of active efforts on the part of rich nations, wealthy elites, and powerful corporations to profit on the backs of the global poor and the environment.
Schafer said the process taught him that injecting a company with diversity requires active effort.
It is now clear that unless and until we make a more active effort to mitigate the impediments to learning that are commonly associated with poverty, we will still be faced with large numbers of children who are either unable to come to school or so distracted as not to be able to be attentive and supply effort when they get there.
After Rotterdam was bombed during the second world war, the city made an active effort to address social division.
But the uncomfortable truth is that institutions that want to increase diversity must make an active effort to do it — proclaiming a desire to be more diverse doesn't persuade anyone.
As Tillerson wrapped up his visit on Sunday, Chinese President Xi Jinping praised his «active efforts» in making a smooth transition of the U.S. - China relationship to the Trump era.
«But I make active efforts to suppress those tendencies.»
«So too the Japanese yen, given the active efforts to weaken it through rhetoric, a higher inflation target, promises of future monetary easing, and a government adamant that it can bring inflation back.»
But formalized corporate governance is designed to be executed by boards, investors, and government on behalf of the public good, and the active efforts of all three are required.
Experiential: with awareness and active effort, maximizing the time spent doing things I love (time with kids, traveling to fish, writing, ice hockey) by minimizing hours spent doing things of little meaning to me (television, Internet).
SEO isn't anything new, there are very few people involved in marketing who don't have some appreciation of how you might need to make an active effort to appeal to the search engines.
I guess it is because I always believe creating passive income first takes an initial burst of active effort.
Hundreds of pages of correspondence between two intermediaries reveal an active effort to win over President Trump on behalf of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
Multi-Stakeholder Inclusivity — Inclusivity signifies a multi-stakeholder system, and it shall maintain an active effort to embrace a different set of users and views.
Take a few minutes to strike a power pose, or make an active effort to adjust your posture in a meeting.
«Only 45 % report civic behaviors that require an active effort, such as participating in demonstrations or attending a government meeting.»
Johnson identifies «two useful strategies»: active efforts to increase communication across lines of cultural difference, and a focus on reconstructing societies devastated by conflict rather than on settling scores.
True stewardship requires both respect for the trusteeship and covenanted imperatives and an active effort to improve the land for the future and to use it in a manner to benefit others.
Since mainstream religions don't control language, their religious authorities simply can't exercise the degree of power over membership that cult leaders can when they make an active effort to reduce the critical capacities of their adherents.
To have Mr. Land backpeddle and state that Romney's religion is not the issue is an attempt to whitewash his church's active efforts to blacken Mormonism's eye in an attempt to secure their own congregations.
This has led to an active effort by educators, researchers, and policy makers to analyze and categorize noncognitive skills in the same way we would reading and math skills.
A lawsuit filed this week seeking hearings on mayoral appointees to the Chicago Park District Board signals an active effort by the Washington administration to retaliate against park Supt. Edmund Kelly.
Oppositely, efforts like affirmative action demonstrate a cognizant and active effort to help correct for institutionalized impediments and make system inherently more evenly available throughout society.
The governor's active effort to reach a Western New York and Southern Tier audience also does not appear to be a mistake.
Was there an active effort to channel Russian disinformation to the candidate and his surrogates?
One of the «strategies for the future» that the report identifies is: «Party leaders, advocacy organizations, and other political groups also need to make an active effort to reach out to individual women about running for seats.
It was as if the brain was on autopilot, primed to notice repetition without any active effort to do so, even when that repetition had no meaning.
It was as if the brain was on automatic pilot, primed to notice repetition without any active effort to do so, even when that repetition had no meaning.
Aggressive measures to curtail the use of fossil fuels and emissions of so - called short - lived climate pollutants such as soot, methane and HFCs would need to be accompanied by active efforts to extract CO2 from the air and sequester it before it can be emitted.
«We are exploring how climate change funding could be used to support our active efforts to keep deforestation rates low because intact forest ecosystems in Niassa support its outstanding and unique wildlife populations,» he said.
We in the scientific community must make active efforts to ensure that graduate students of all backgrounds have similar opportunities to visualize themselves as scientists by making sure they have access to people they can relate to.
Active efforts to establish research collaborations and education activities at the international levels are strongly encouraged.
«That's why there has been such an active effort to increase the level of protein.»
The petroleum industry's move into Norway's Barents Sea sector is being paralleled by active efforts to identify how much oil pollution can be tolerated by life in these far northern waters.
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