Sentences with phrase «active government»

His primary responsibilities included the portfolio management of active government and inflation linked strategies.
Under the then - Republican administration, it recognized a need for more active government intervention to prevent future financial crises.
What is needed is an industrial policy, with active government and productive business working together to secure long - term stability and creating the right framework for industry to invest and thrive.
Other recommendations include more active government support of collaboration between police forces and smarter attempts to tackle bureaucracy which address the causes of paperwork rather than simply trying to reduce it.
The case for a more active government could not have been stronger.
The Association of School Nurses of Connecticut (ASNC) has a very active Government Relations Committee (GRC) that works closely with the Connecticut Nurses Association (CNA) to monitor, negotiate, and provide testimony to legislation that potentially impacts school health and school nursing.
Please click to read the complete article titled «A case for active government on passive houses»
However, I think gold's only one of a tri-fecta of risks here — competition also seems to have really intensified, from a wide variety of competitors, and there; s an enhanced level of uncertainty & regulatory impact right now from active government intervention in the sector.
Industrial Strategy involves active government, not sitting on the sidelines.
But is must be a national mission where productive business and active government work together in partnership.»
Mr Ummuna will cite countries like Brazil, who have active governments which pinpoint and aid key areas of growth and argue the British government should do the same.
But it's precisely because we on the centre left believe that active government along with good schools, hospitals and other public services can transform lives, and make our country fairer and more prosperous, that we must ensure we pass the test of fiscal credibility.
Whilst many Republican candidates are vying with each other to kick away any role for active government action to tackle climate change, an eerie silence seems to be coming from the other side of the debate.
Approaches to encourage the greater uptake of low - carbon energy - supply systems include reducing fossil fuel subsidies and stimulating front - runners in specific technologies through active government involvement in market creation (such as in Denmark for wind energy and Japan with solar photovoltaic (PV)-RRB-.
This worked well when liberals controlled the Congress and much of the federal bureaucracy, and when the politics of the time were more supportive of active government efforts to regulate the economy and clean up the environment.
Under a normal presidency, his investment in companies with active government contracts might stir up conflict of interest questions with the PIAB role, but it's hard to imagine that being a hurdle under a president who actively promotes his family business from the highest office in the land.
Skills Active government Top Secret / SCI security clearance Strong multiple
Ideally this alternative would include active government support for changes that would result in even lower cost natural gas, such as encouraging rather than discouraging fracking.
Of course, this result does not necessarily suggest a sustainable long - term pattern but provides preliminary evidence on the importance of active government policies before the crisis in mitigating the short - term impacts of subsequent recessionary shocks.
Economic policy developed by British economist John Maynard Keynes who proposed that active government intervention in the market was the only method of ensuring economic growth and prosperity.
However, it is unlikely to win plaudits for the Party if, at the same time as making the case for far more active government, the Party insists on taking credit for Conservative measures — above all the fiscal mandate — which have frustrated recovery and intensified Britain's economic problems.
And it taps into a belief in the power of active government that is more in line with where young progressives are headed these days.
But we, as Liberal Democrats, believe that active government can be a force for good, working with the grain of markets.
* ACTIVE GOVERNMENT * The first change relates to the role of government.
While respecting the existing devolution settlements and «envisaging» more decentralisation of powers after Brexit, the manifesto also promises an «active government, in every part of the UK».
Which would be fine... except that the MP is also supposed to be a national legislator, either taking part in active government or holding government to account, usually many miles from the constituency seat.
To achieve... progressive goals requires a strong and active government that will take on those vested interests that stand in the way of change.
So when I say we want an ambitious, active government, prepared to invest in skills, homes and infrastructure, to free individuals to be the very best they can be, it is because I am a liberal, and to be a liberal is to support those with enterprise.
«If we have learnt anything in this recession, it is that everyone needs the security of strong public services and active government, not just the poorest.
Behind that mask, though, lurks a hostility to active government that, in office, would result in a «rolling back of the state» just as comprehensive - and damaging - as that undertaken by Mrs Thatcher.»
An active Government / Military ID is required at time of check - in to qualify for the special Government Rate.
He also maintains an active government relations practice focused on international domestic trade.
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