Sentences with phrase «active leader powers»

Showcase of all the available units and active leader powers in Halo Wars 2 and its DLC.

Not exact matches

Since mainstream religions don't control language, their religious authorities simply can't exercise the degree of power over membership that cult leaders can when they make an active effort to reduce the critical capacities of their adherents.
An active, renowned member of the academic science community until the very end, Perham was distinguished for his work on the chemistry of proteins and the assembly of giant protein complexes and was a leader in bringing the power of protein - engineering approaches to problems of protein structure and function.
In additional keynote and concurrent sessions, tourism, conservation and technology leaders such as Alexandra Cousteau, granddaughter of Jacques - YvesCousteau and co-founder of Blue Legacy and Darrell Wade, CEO of PEAK Adventure Travel indicated a shift in attention on the global stage to the power of adventure travel as an economic driver, as a force of sustainable development and one that delivers to travelers transformative experiences in nature, culture and active travel.
Active Solutions UK Ltd are a leader in the Construction, Power, Transmission and Distribution Sector for labour supply based in Wakefield, West Yorkshire.
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