Sentences with phrase «active manner»

Music offered acceptable stereo spread and used the various channels in a fairly active manner, but I didn't think the mix created an especially convincing soundfield.
For instance, the SWAT attack on Danny used the various speakers in an active manner.
Not many movies go for the gusto in such an active manner, but it works well for Speed.
These accentuated events in an active manner that used all five speakers in an involving way and provided oomph to the proceedings.
It is far preferable to let them participate in the lesson in an active manner.
The «cut and stick» activities resources match the initial presentations and provide a scaffold for the children to read, understand, label and order instructions in an active manner.
They complement other resources within my shop - «Writing Instructions - Introducing the Genre in an Active Manner» and Writing Instructions - «How to Build a Snowman» which has additional literacy tasks included.
You can also engage in a brief activity or question - and - answer session to start the lesson plan off in a participatory and active manner.
In other words, choosing passive exchange traded funds (ETFs) in an active manner can help you potentially reduce risk and create value.
You don't need to be extremely fit or active to come on one of our trips, but you need to be keen to get outside and experience Ecuador's incredible scenery in an active manner!
In a relaxed and active manner, you'll snorkel, dive, hike and cycle, and cruise between the multitude of stunning islands in our comfortable dive boat, the «Pacific» while staying on dry land each night.
This exciting Yampu trip combines the highlights of Peru through an inspiring adventure tour: Lima, Cusco, Machu Picchu, and the Sacred Valley, in an active manner.
Just like the websites, the lenticulars only reveal their movement when the spectator relates to them in an active manner.
That desire to work in an active manner resembles the practices of the Abstract Expressionists.
Would you say you operated with a concept of «painting» that functions in an active manner?
Supporting the Bitcoin network in an active manner is of the utmost importance for all of the digital currency's community members.
Once you are able to respect your partner for who he or she is, you can find a way to work through your differences in an active manner that is kind and thoughtful and reasonable.
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