Sentences with phrase «activity in a lab setting»

Simons has shown that people assigned to observe certain activities in a lab setting can totally miss other events occurring in the very same space.
Note: This activity can be completed as a class activity in a lab setting, or, in a one - computer classroom, by having students take turns completing the assignment.

Not exact matches

For example, describe new lab activities, changes in class format, introduction of problem - based learning, development of new problem sets, and addition of teaching technology.
To learn more, Catherine von Reyn, a postdoctoral researcher in Card's lab, set up experiments in which she could directly monitor activity in the giant fiber neurons.
Kauwe and others in Haghighi's lab are exploring why such a change in the set point of synaptic transmission occurs so rapidly, and how dampening neuron activity might be beneficial in treating, or even preventing, neurodegenerative diseases.
Teachers and school leaders could facilitate this opportunity by: a) setting aside specific time for students to engage in this form of design - based education, for instance, by establishing design and innovation labs; b) infusing in the curriculum opportunities for students to establish links to this activity; c) structuring opportunities to inspire students to study and solve a problem, for instance showcasing current and past students» exemplary projects; d) providing opportunities for students to present their projects to an authentic audience of peers and members of the community; and e) not telling students what projects to work on by staying hands - off.
Excellent instruction in the visual, communication, theatrical, and musical arts takes place in small studio, lab, seminar, and discussion settings, as well as through activities outside the classroom environment.
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