Sentences with phrase «acts as both a philosopher»

Honarvar acts as both a philosopher poet musing on flawed societal constructs and as a shamanistic mad - scientist surgically binding bodies to birth new hybrid human futures.

Not exact matches

This «moral reading» of the Constitution calls on judges to act as moral philosophers: «equal protection of the laws» should mean what best promotes «equal concern and respect» for all humans; «liberty» in the «due process» clause should mean autonomy in matters important to personal development, and so forth.
Although Powell quite accurately notes that «Protestants were distinctively cool to this method of expounding the doctrine of the Trinity,» such philosophers as G. W. Leibniz (1646 - 1716)(with his description of the Trinity as force, intellect, and will) and Gotthold Lessing (1729 - 1781)(who defined the Trinity as an eternal act of self - knowledge) did go this route.
However, the first order of business that Wilson's «traditional conservatism» needs to address is that which philosopher / political theorist, Eric Voegelin, referred to as «Western deculturation,» a phenomenon and a process that acts to destroy reason.
The Christian philosopher can not as a philosopher speak of the unique act of God in Jesus Christ, just as he can say nothing of particular events in any area, but he can and should so structure his ideas as to allow for such unique acts and particular events.
Locke — the first philosopher of liberalism — on the one hand acknowledges in his Second Treatise on Government that the duties of parents to raise children and the corresponding duties of children to obey springs from the commandment to «honor thy father and thy mother,» but further claims that every child must ultimately subject his inheritance to the logic of consent beginning in a version of the state of nature, in which we act as autonomous choosing individuals.
He believed, and acted as if he believed, that progress in philosophy is possible, if only philosophers honestly face each other's arguments and not simply try to defend their own «castle of ideas» (Auxier and Davies 62).
Of course a philosopher can not in his official capacity speak of an act of God, for he never speaks of concrete events such as transactions between persons.
In Act One, the major players are philosophers who represent in various ways the alternatives generated by German idealism as a response to Hume's skepticism and as and effort to avoid the reductive materialism that some feared was implied by Newton.
Roman philosophers like Seneca and Cicero considered grace a virtue, and modern philosophers continue to study grace, defining it as an intentional act of unmerited favor, or as an inclination to promote others» interests and bring them joy.
Fascinated by the world of «Second Life,» Cao Fei has created several works in which she is both participant and observer through her «Second Life» avatar, China Tracy, who acts as a guide, philosopher, and tourist.
This term — coined by Spivak in a 1984 interview with philosopher Elizabeth Grosz — describes the process of acting as if an identity (here, a race) shares intrinsic characteristics, in order to achieve political goals.
Motivated by the idea of art acting as an agent for social awareness, Araeen looked to Islamic civilisation and developed a body of work in ode to Islam's thinkers and philosophers.
A consultant acts as a true friend, good philosopher and a vigilant guide for clients.
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