Sentences with phrase «acts as the stroller»

Not exact matches

And as with the GoGo Babyz, the idea is you strap your car seat on and it acts as a makeshift travel stroller, so you can wheel your car seat through the airport and on board the plane with your baby or toddler in it, and then store the cart in the overhead bin once you've installed your car seat on the plane.
Babies Getaway acts as the single best destination for those parents and caregivers who are in need of baby gear rental, baby equipment rental, baby furniture, stroller rental, crib rental, or wish to rent a car seat in East Long Island, NY.
I'm just saying that basically, this accessory claiming to make it easier for a baby to keep his pacifier close by (and not on the dirty ground, or gone and lost forever on the street somewhere after he chucks it out of the stroller) might very well just complicate things even more by acting as yet another thing to be lost and tossed and kept track of.
It is versatile as it works as a stroller or nursing cover; can act as a changing pad cover, burp clothes, tummy time blanket;
There's no confirmation whether the newborn baby in the stroller will be the couple's child on the show, but Lucy appeared to be acting as a hands - on parent.
It can act as a regular tandem double stroller or a sit and stand stroller, depending on your needs.
It can act as a single stroller, a tandem double stroller and even a triple, when equipped with an optional Glider Board for a third kid.
It can act as single, double or «triple» stroller and can even accommodate up to two combinations of car seats and bassinets.
This is a convertible stroller that also acts as a jogging stroller.
The stroller has a large bar connecting the rear wheels which acts as a brake.
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