Sentences with phrase «actual capacity»

-- or does it reveal something of Zuckerberg's actual capacity for leadership?
The DSEIS does not discuss how shielded containers would take up some of the contact handled space and the impact on actual capacity.
In addition, the assessment procedures and format would need to be demonstrably effective for capturing students» actual capacity relative to the standard.
The 9,943 MW of IESO grid - connected gas operated at 2.6 % of actual capacity during the three days.
They will hide battery manufacturer name and other technical specifications on battery... while Actual capacity measured using dedicated measuring instrument shows capacity of around 6000mAh.
And while consumers» desire and ability to borrow is increasing, factors such as an uneven housing recovery and student loan debt may lessen their actual capacity to borrow.
For example, you need the capital to buy a piece of equipment for an order that is double your actual capacity, or to hire additional employees during the Christmas season rush.
They emphasize that the actual capacity to generate children is not necessary for a valid marriage; after all, opponents of same - sex marriage acknowledge the validity of the marriages of men and women known to be sterile and hence incapable of havingchildren.
The Dékor Plus holds more diapers than anything else we tested, though of course, actual capacity will vary by diaper size and how well they compact.
But in fact, you can not fill it with 2 cups of food, so its actual capacity is more like 1 1/2 or 1 3/4 cups.
You will want to look for key factors when making your decision which bag to select, including the actual capacity of the bag, affordability, compatibility with breast pumps (and / or nipples), how well it will hold up in the fridge or freezer and any special features it offers to make your life easier.
Not only are the rates of depression and suicide multiplying, but the actual capacity to be with other human beings — to share space — is at an all - time low.
At the same time, we have a limited sense of schools» and districts» actual capacity.
«The test should be illuminating the actual capacity of our students.»
We had to search far and wide to find the actual capacities of the Malibu line's trunks.
The 1.2 engine's actual capacity is 1242 cc, available in three versions.
The tablet is powered by an Intel Core i5 CPU with a lot of RAM and 64 GB of internal storage, though the actual capacity has been proven to be a lot less.
It's listed as having 16 GB of storage but the total storage only says 8.89 GB and of that only 7.09 GB is available for use... I know that the system usually takes up some of the space and the actual capacity will be lower, but this is ridiculous!
Blowing in the wind According to CleanTechies, Turkey has an estimated wind - power potential of 48,000 MW, but despite a set of government incentives passed in 2006, its actual capacity, though increased almost 10-fold since then, will still be scarcely 1,000 MW by the end of the year.
While cable cars lack the capacity of subways and buses - their actual capacity is roughly equal to a couple of taxis - the city somehow plans to shuttle up to 5 million travelers a year by running the system «like an assembly line,» with cars running every 11 seconds.
I am satisfied that the law... fails to respond to the actual capacities and needs of mentally ill inmates and instead imposes burdens in a manner that has the effect of reinforcing, perpetuating or exacerbating their disadvantage.
The case for outlawing child pornography is unambiguous because, even if the depictions are not harmful or obscene, such conduct involves physical and emotional injury to children who lack the legal and actual capacity to consent; whereas with adult pornography consent is not in issue, though offences against the person may make it so.
This includes information about your current battery's actual capacity and how its capacity and battery life have decreased over time.
The actual capacity (Wh) is measured based on the battery's output current and voltage.
Actual capacity may vary slightly.
With the actual capacity of the Bitcoin Legacy block (1 MB) three transactions per second can be performed.
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