Sentences with phrase «actual course of events»

Obviously the actual course of events was very complex, with political power struggles becoming deeply mixed with doctrinal ones, different councils coming to conflicting conclusions, and further councils needing to decide which earlier councils to follow.
Mark is interested in theology — a very elementary theology, but a real one — rather than in history; that is to say, a theological idea is more important to him than the actual course of events in the life of Jesus.
First, there»... is an actual course of events, which might be otherwise so far as concerns eternal possibility, but is that course.»
Probably the actual course of events will be far more varied, confused, and unpredictable than any of these negative or positive scenarios.
Whatever may have been the actual course of events, historically speaking, which the New Testament means to signify when it speaks of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, it is at least clear that it was the conviction of the New Testament writers, building on the testimony of the disciples after the crucifixion of Jesus — as it has been the continuing conviction of millions of Christian people since that time — that far from Jesus» being «put out of the way» by his death at the hands of the Roman authorities in Palestine, he was «let loose into the world.»
Whitehead writes: «The spatio - temporal relationship, in terms of which the actual course of events is to be expressed, is nothing else than a selective limitation within the general systematic relationships among eternal objects.
But, beyond these limitations of particulars, the general modal individualisation is limited in two ways: In the first place it is an actual course of events, which might be otherwise so far as concerns eternal possibility, but is that course.

Not exact matches

This process assumes, of course, that the initial conditions are indeterminate as to the final pattern of the actual event.
One should realize, of course, that Leibniz's monads are «simple substances or enduing things; they are not momentary energy - events like Whitehead's actual occasions.
But we maintain, on the contrary, that we know the Jesus of history very well, even if we do not have a precise and photographic account of his day - by - day activities; and the unique claim of Christianity is that in and by those events in the actual realm of historical happenedness, God is revealed — revealed, of course, in and under the conditions of history and human life, but revealed nonetheless.
Thus if «I» do something like «deciding upon a course of action,» that «deciding» is not» to be attributed to an «I» which is to be regarded as in some way distinct relatively to the actual spatiotemporal events comprising the occurrences of my life - history: it is to be attributed to those occurrences themselves.
However, it can also be characterized in relation to the chronology of events as the course of actual existence (Or consciousness, in mentalistic conceptions of temporal passage) traversing the temporal order of events in the direction from earlier to later.
There is the new that is external, the emergence out of pragmatic history, out of the actual course of real events, of that which earlier was not, and could not have beeen anticipated.
Of course, the actual picture is far more complex since these events vary greatly in their relations and in their complexity.
There is the new that is external: a new situation which emerges out of pragmatic history, out of the actual course of real events and which could not have been anticipated.
If we shift our focus to Christ, understood as the divine reality as incarnate, foremost in Jesus, but also in some measure in the church and the world, then the focus on the actual course of historical events and on the presence of Christ in those events, seems necessary.
Of course, this is just one event and it is important not to weight camps more than actual work in games.
Beyond the 10 to 12 kilometers of the actual obstacle course, they often require a decent training component in preperation for the event.
These are the actual dating event where you meet anywhere from 8 to 15 people over the course of an evening.
Last but not least, given that this is based on the annual spectacle of the summer Olympics (every four years of course), there are recreations of actual summer Olympic sporting events.
Of course, Kotaku isn't sure if the reason this mission script wasn't used in the actual game is because Rockstar is still tweaking it and the script is actually part of a much larger mission event involving the UFOOf course, Kotaku isn't sure if the reason this mission script wasn't used in the actual game is because Rockstar is still tweaking it and the script is actually part of a much larger mission event involving the UFOof a much larger mission event involving the UFOs.
My essay maps the expected touch - points of a memeplex to the * social * phenomenon of CAGW (i.e. excluding any actual climate events, or any genuine science; biased or corrupted science is of course fair game to a memeplex).
I am just speculating, of course, but I find it easier to imagine the damage control meeting this morning at Heartland coming up with an imaginary theft scenario and a denial of the most embarassing of the documents than to imagine anything comparable happening at a second rank British university which showed anything but PR and legal agility in the actual event.
• Implemented 1200 outreach programs over a course of 5 years to raise awareness of potential risks and immediate ways of handling them • Saved an entire office (87) people from impending disaster by quickly evacuating them from the premises before the onset of a flood • Devise safety development plans in a bid to deal with natural or manmade disasters • Provide consultancy to businesses in regards to functional steadiness during emergencies • Analyze and plan for potential risks by performing risk assessment tasks to ward off dangers associated with infection outbreaks and disasters • Prepare safety exercises and drills and execute practice drills to prepare personnel for actual events • Communicate with emergency services in the event of an emergency and help coordinate response for non-emergency service organizations • Design and implement emergency preparedness training to ensure that personnel respond to emergency situations in a proactive manner • Determine goals and develop comprehensive tracking systems to ensure appropriate implementation of emergency preparedness programs
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