Sentences with phrase «actual doctor»

Meanwhile, actual doctors oppose such laws, which prevent doctors from giving their patients the best health care possible in an individual situation.
I would like to see actual doctors affirmations (unbiased third party) proof of before / after his healing, including follow - ups after 1 year, two years, etc....
We have a lot of actual doctors who comment regularly here who will make the observation that it isn't a particularly major surgery.
Neither one of them should have any say in women's healthcare... we should be listening to actual doctors instead of sociopathic old men.
Nonetheless, the tree doctor's profit margins are better than some actual doctors».
You keep pulling up all these bogus «studies» that supposedly prove this, yet you've been shown that the majority of the medical establishment (you know, actual doctors, unlike you) believe it is not a mental illness and not «abnormal».
I know I usually ignore what the actual doctors have to say in favor of what I believe.
Whether your baby actually has colic should be determined by an actual doctor, but you'll be starting your research here first.
The parents had reportedly diagnosed for themselves that the baby was lactose intolerant and couldn't process gluten, but they don't appear to have ever taken him to an actual doctor.
The parents assert they were just trying to care for their baby the best they could, but that included feeding him a diet of quinoa milk and taking him only to an homeopathic doctor, not any of the actual doctors nearby or their local hospital.
If the baby really got stomach cramps when he was fed, that's something an actual doctor could have helped with.
However, putting that law into practice with insurance companies is proving to be a problem as some women are reporting, so having an actual doctor's referral might help when submitting claims.
Lastly, you can feel good about using this mattress for your child because it is backed by an actual doctor.
Often has a solution for anything and everything but it's best to check with your actual doctor before trying any remedies.
We can not tell if efforts were made to limit the poll to actual doctors or to make it representative of junior doctors in terms of career stage, age, region and so on — it doesn't really matter, as it is fatally undermined by being conducted in a forum campaigning against a contract.
It's so nice to see an actual doctor compare / contrast these different diets (I'm a medical student, and we learn about «nutrition» but not much about overall diets that people are trying and how it affects their health).
Amy tends to sneak the magazine from the main waiting room into the actual doctor's office and then rip the page out when no one's around.
I haven't actually had an actual doctor's appointment in ages, but I'm surrounded by them on pretty much a daily basis, so... curbside consults for the win!
It had a silent auction, a delicious meal, and ended with a fashion show (the male models were actual doctors - adorbs!)
But if you find that you're still not feeling your best after doing those things, it might be time to substitute retail therapy with an actual doctor, even if you think you're just going through a temporary rough patch.
«It's amazing how that little monkey wound up being able to help me and others become better surgeons» said an actual doctor.
But even if you become a WebMD expert, seeing an actual doctor may help you get a more accurate diagnosis than you'd come up with on your own.
As your claim progresses, you may be disadvantaged if you have not seen an actual doctor.
Your medical insurance may cover much of the actual doctor's bills.
Medical Assistant duties include clerical support such as patient history and and minor clinical tasks such as measuring blood pressure and other vital signs of the patient prior to the actual doctor's examination.
In no way should the reader construe that an actual doctor - patient relationship exists because of such metaphorical language.
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