Sentences with phrase «actual existing language»

Now, if you think those mean the same thing — I'm not sure how you can come to that conclusion, different words mean different things — you would presumably support my suggestion that the Statement of Principles initiative should be reworked so that the language we are being asked to acknowledge conforms with actual existing language in the Rules and the commentary thereto.

Not exact matches

If one spoke of a dog named Rex, one referred to an actual animal that existed independently of the language about it.
In Aristotelian language, Whitehead so identifies a being with its process of becoming that he allows it to count as actual solely within the process but not [244] as a being that, once generated, would simply continue to exist.
In no way should the reader construe that an actual doctor - patient relationship exists because of such metaphorical language.
This was presented as a clarification of the existing ambiguous language and as a reflection of actual practice in the mental health industry as LMFTs have been providing diagnoses since the inception of the license in 1998.
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